Why I love karaoke (on Youtube)!

Been Making a lot of new singing videos!

Stanley Wongus
2 min readDec 24, 2020

Well, although I took a short break with Youtube videos today, I have made a few dozen Youtube videos over the last week! The most I have had recently, especially two days ago, when I started doing karaoke and singing session videos, where I was able to sing my favorite songs!

A classic song!

I have always wanted to do karaoke, because I am a small and amateur up-and-coming music artist myself, and I think that my voice and range is one of the most underrated aspects that I possess.

I have listened to hundreds and hundreds of hours worth of music this year, and most of it controlled by myself, on Apple Music (and Youtube). I may highlight the specific artists that I have listened the most to as well in a later post!

One recent song that will be a classic in the long run is cardigan by Taylor Swift, and that was one of my favorite songs for karaoke over the last few days!

I used the Youtube channel Singking. I really appreciate how the most modern and popular karaoke Youtube videos all use a ‘live’ colour indicator on the lyrics to determine exactly when each letter/character of the specific lyric song should be pronounced at the specific time. This makes following along much easier, especially when some song are harder to get lost.

I also challenged myself with Rap God, one of Eminem’s most popular songs to rap over, since it requires a very high technical skill to push out that many syllables in the final verse as possible, a very very fast rate. A classic from 2013 as well. Long story short, it did not go to well for me (though I do not really rehearse any of these songs beforehand; I just record myself off the top of my head and using my previous memories

So hard to perfect…..

But overall, I love doing these types of videos. I can foresee myself doing over a hundred of these karaoke-style videos in the future, since it is really fun to do and showcase my music talents, outside of my very own music. There are so many nice songs that I have listened to throughout my whole life, and I cannot wait to sing it out!

Have not mentioned before that it is quite different to hear just the melody without any voice on top, and singing alone may be a bit awkward at first, but overall, it is an awesome thing to do! I might aim for around 200+ singing-style videos next year (if I have the time to).



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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