My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 9)

Stanley Wongus
7 min readAug 12, 2020


Part 8

March 2015: 0 Photos of Universal Studio

Religion seminar with Ye. No idea why I took photos of slides but i guess might be useful later? idk

Also throwback to religion trip thing. Remember doing stuff the whole day then back to school for table tennis practice. Yes, I made the team. It was nice, life was good.

Took photos with my new iPhone 6 Gold! Ye got this 7$ Ye model on amazon or something. Super hyped now I have a nice phone that looks good! I guess that was something I was obsessed with. Still quite an iPhone hater though. Yeah I guess I liked this novel too…

No idea why I liked showing my new iPHone with a phone case, but yeah I also got a new phone case with it (got a few this year for this fake iPhone …. why???? loool). Yeah so took bunch of photos and yeah…

So I guess no more photos in March. But I still remember some stuff.

So like the day before march break, I remember doing stuff in computer business area talking with Martin about the hype avengers age of ultron. Also thought it would be an eternity away from infinity war (avengers 3 / 4). Was imagining the situation I would be in when those movies came out. Damn. Now I know the answers to those thoughts.

That was since I made a cookie clicker game with visual basic for quest unit for computer science course. I guess I liked making those windows programs/games for my first computer studies course. It was nice coding in visual basic I guess lol. Was fun, and made a secret minigame related to avengers age of ultron stuff. Yeah somehow I was really hyped about that movie after watching the trailers a few months back and all that. Cooool.

Yeah so went to universal studios for almost a full week during March Break. Cool highlights was that I listened to a lot of music during the trip there which was nice. Lots of Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, rapping stuff, basic stuff, etc. Also had a nice time TGI Fridays for dinner and Ye. As well as decent seaworld lol. Oh yeah went on quite a few roller coasters. All of them were soft. But for the first time, I felt super duper dizzy and destruction after riding them. Which would affect me in the future. Rip super destruction. Don’t really enjoy those things anymore sadface.

In terms of other school stuff I think I was doing alright. Science units were inspire and we were doing it on climate change stuff and our group was USA lol. I was a bit ahead in more than half of my courses so I was planning on doing early exams and stuff?

Yeah and for course selection I chose all 3 sciences for some reason. Not sure why, but it got me where i am today, which I am really thankful for.

Not even sure if this was all in March, but it was around this time period.

April 2015: Table Tennis Glory

Ye so left pic is part of the ENG2D1 shakespeare play portion, which was Merchant of Venice for me. It was pretty interesting I guess. Did I use sparknotes and stuff for this? Probably. If I recall, I probably used sparknotes all 4 years when doing plays and novel stuff. So clutch lol, kind of feels bad that I am clueless some of the time. Except for the times where there were like seminars and read alongs which were nicer.

No idea why I took pic of chinese poem on the right, but I think it was some throwback nice thing, cause I remember memorizing it before.

I guess not much more for this month except the usual stuff I’ve been doing on weekends which is going to YMCA for swimming. I also got a few new earbud stuff like the red sony ones I think which were ok, but somehow I was semi obsessed with headphones? But yeah, I recall the table tennis tournament and Miko and I got 2nd place for doubles which was really nice. Nice silver medal.

I just remember hyping myself up with Eminem between matches lol. Good times. Aside from that, I don’t remember much else in April. Maybe still listening to a lot of music? But not much aside from that.

May 2015: The Start of the Process

So I definitely forgot a lot of details in October 2013 and 2014 (both times with my new phone but didn’t take pics and stuff. Well the CN Tower stair climb challenge happened, and I got 16.x min in 2012, low 15 in 2013 thanks to nice soccer foundation and running to Ye over the summer, and high 15 in 2014 (first time regressing); even though I did swimming for a few months (9 months before) and a bit of running over the summer for Ye, I did not exercise that much. So I was always thinking in my head to wake up early every day and exercise to get better and stuff. To be the best, the very best , blah blah.

So that’s what I started doing. After the table tennis day on the weekend where my dad and I visited my table tennis club where I think I would be doing lessons over the summer or something, I got home and I was a bit motivated and Ye, about improving my cn tower climb time for the coming October, and I knew that by starting now, I can get a nice time.

And so I did a bit of nice biking, along with some dumbbell curls and stuff and ab exercises I found on Google images and stuff. Ye just basic stuff?

Also I took a photo of this thing above, I have no idea but I think this might be for business or computer studies.

Oh yeah, and the exercise routine thing started the weekend right before a big week — 3 exams in the span of 3 days before the long weekend. Early exams and Ye jokes. So basically for the exams, it ended up being nice but the Friday one for MCR3U1 was destruction cause I barely studied and slacked a lot. I think I ended up crying when I got in the car after school because of how much I destructioned? Yeah I left some stuff blank and some questions I got stuck on like trigonometry stuff I think.

Then it was meh scout advancement camp thing. I think I did a morning run one morning.

Oh yeah forgot that earlier in the month was nice avengers age of ultron with friends. Basically the first time I went to a theatre in a long time. Got a nice souvenir cup just cause? But nice Costco coupon thing for nice discount and Ye. But we got seats that was pretty close to the front relatively speaking, so neck was Ye. But overall it was nice.

Oh yeah and this was like the inspire presentation thing. I think I wore a suit to school cause our group wanted to be professional and stuff COP21 USA something like that. Also good times where I started writing rap songs for jokes using RapPad cause my friends were doing it and stuff. That was cool. Overall the project was not too bad.

I remember also some of my friends coming over this month for basketball, or the project, as well as me going to goldhawk for a ball run. That was nice since I practiced outside like once a week around this time period as weather was getting better. Nice hook shot that is starting to improve a bit?

Yeah I think I also did english exam early? I recall that I might have used space pen which was so jokes. Now thinking about it I should have wrote stuff about last year’s exams. meh whatever. I only did french and english exam last year and both went alright I guess…..

Oh yeah our family also got a new laptop, dell stuff again, but this time it had a touchscreen which was cool. I guess a simple low end laptop (not budget~500ish). I think I also started doing some 15 puzzle stuff?

Thinking about it, I did every early exam except for science. Also for band since I was leaving I was able to make some nice on windows movie maker lol with ‘See you Again’ and some random Ye jokes, for the rhythm test.

Yeah it was a big May. Lots of stuff happened. I think also found out that I got 70s for math exam which I felt destruction cause yeah. My final math mark was 87 which was super low for me I think. Left me devastated.

Oh yeah think also I did some nice jokes for Victor and Trisha’s birthday. Don’t remember much. But I do remember using Spotify a lotttttttt now instead of Google Play Ye. It was pretty nice on desktop and I was listening to TPAB a lot. Cool. Probably will recall more stuff this month, but I’ll put it in the future stuff too lazy to come back here.

Now just 1 month left until this school year is over!

Part 10 here.



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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