My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 8)
January 2015: Taylor Swift?
Ok so the right UGGS copy from random store. No idea why I took a pic of it. Legit no idea…..
Left pic was bobsledding or something like that. Tubing? I just remember sliding down on this nice, and getting carried up by some nice cable thing. It was the last thing for gym. I think on the bus people were playing a lot of music then they started playing blank space which was the big hit.
Last year I listened to Shake it Off which was pretty nice and I have it downloaded. But I think because of this, I downloaded 1989 towards the end of this month? Ye downloaded Google Play Music. download == buy. Deeestruction (as most of my songs on Google Play loooool).
Yeah not much pics for January. I think I stopped obsessing with my phone and the camera starting now. Whoops maybe unfortunate. Not really I don’t really care much about photos these days. Maybe I just deleted useless Ye. But whatever. Not a big deal. Phone was trash and lagging too much.
February 2015: and Katy Perry
I think there was nice super bowl 49 and snow day on the next day. Ye watched like the whole nice. Somehow was a Peyton Manning fan cause he was too op last season, so I didn’t want seahawks Ye so I supported patriots lol. Nice malcolm butler Ye watched it live. Also saw nice Katy Perry halftime show so nice. Ended up getting calendar 2015 of it lol (the smaller variant).
I think valentine’s day thing was a long weekend since I ended up doing a big big clean of the room (posters on wall and trasheons). Left pic was this thing I had since grade 5, it was I think something everyone had one of then you write stuff about everyone elses different one. So basically class writes description of you and Ye. I don’t think I wrote much for other people, but apparently I was pretty funny back then. And smart. Nah.
Also pic on the right, above, is the 50 shades of grey movie soundtrack (it’s not, just the instrumental stuff, but I don’t think it’s the score so idk). Ye didn’t watch the movie but idk why I took pic. Maybe mesmerized. But there was nice Canon Paschebel thing that I ended up finding in a song book for piano and ended up learning.
Oh yeah, I think this was also the last month I played piano? Not sure when my grade 8 exam was, but I think I passed my written Ye, and already secured enough credits for high school stuff. Was nice experience overall, but annoying to keep practicing and stuff. 0 passion man. But yeah, still did piano during this moment in life.
Ye took pics of this for magic trick. ye the breast cancer edition bicycle cards where it was nice pink back, and the faces were pink (heart/diamonds). Sandwiched some Fangshi Shuang Ren on a cube sand, but a cool way to display 3 cards for nice prediction trick. Think it was the finesse with the card box and let the other person shuffle and Ye. Also fifty shades of grey book the background cause I thought it was cool idk and memey??
Yeah I guess I am writing quite a bit of text for this month. But I remember a lot of it nicely. Also remember doing unit 12 of MCR-3U1 on Feb nights. I was quite a bit ahead in the course. It was a bit more advanced trigonometry stuff. Listening on the garbage headphones Sony over-ear which was wired + wireless so destruction lol. But remembered listening to the nicest hits like Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, etc. Also listened to 1989 entirely when shoveling snow snow day (and neighbors driveway) really nice album. The Blacker the Berry also released that day, straight heat. Also remember a bunch of YMCA on the weekend stuff and swimming as exercise. It was ok. I also think that’s when I listened to Born to Die, Lana Del Rey. It was pretty nice I guess Summertime Sadness. Still listening to her and Taylor Swift alotttttttt these days.
Ye for unit 12 I ended up getting a 80 which ended a nice high 80/low90 streak for math? not sure but I recall being quite disappointed with the result. A foreshadowing of more to come. Ye that’s it for now.
Oh yeahh just remember that I got sick after skyzone for school activity day I think. It was pretty cold and stuff, I remember taking bus home with snowpants and Ye. Yeah.
Probably still 1000s more things, but too lazy, and I do not remember for now. Might put more about it later on if I remember stuff. But yeah, this was a good month. Good memories mate.
Wait before I publish, I just remembered that last day of the month was like Kevin’s birthday thing so I got him a card and a black pencil that he likes? The papermate ones that I have quite a bit of, those ones are nice to hold and Ye giggity. One of them was a makeup pencil thing for jokes. I think this was the first jokes gift. Lol. Also performed the magic trick prediction photo thing (as shown above). Ye good month indeed.
Part 9 found here.