My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 7)

Stanley Wongus
6 min readAug 11, 2020


Part 6

November 2014: Basketball and Boredom

Took a few pics of the full art Mew EX and Heatran EX for some reason despite getting it a year ago lol. I think the Mew EX is one of the few cards I just have in nice casing cause it looks nice.

Also started practicing basketball quite a bit at this time? Maybe because of gym class and we’re doing stuff like that. Also invited my friends over a few times during the Fall 2014 period. It was nice. Recorded myself practicing one time and it was jokes and now I made a mixtape of it on Youtube.

Remembrance Day 2014 after the shooting and Ye. Went to Parliament hill for our nice history trip. Ye got the random filter cause jokes and recorded a few seconds inside house of commons and Ye. Also saw a lot of snipers during ceremony Ye.

Also took a screenshot of Ken’s IPhone wifi thing? I think I was hopping on some of my classmates’ data lol. Could’ve taken more photos and stuff, but overall this was a ok trip. Don’t remember so much about it but was nice just Yeing around for a few days in a row.

Random photos inside washroom stall when bored I guess in nursing home thing.

Lots of vertical and horizontal panoramas lol. things i did back then when solitude….

Got a new keyboard/mouse thing set on sale? Used that for the inspiron laptop for typical setup. Also throwback having the mini table thing outside in the living room.

Took some photos outside nursing home thing when I was also bored…. Ye maybe first snowfall?

Osgoode station for Business Day….remembered that it was pretty cold and Noel and I met up really early at school, took the Cummer bus to finch station then subwayed down to the Ye place. Only took one business course and I guess I had decent marks for the first few units to be invited to Ye. I think I wore a random suit thing. Not my thing, felt out of place jokes.

SNC-2D1 still on the biology units and stuff. Learned about objective lens and stuff? Some of the units are InsPirE gifted stuff with mr toth jokes. Most solitude note taking and stuff. I really hated it lol biology boring.

Randomly took video of snowy day after school cold and waiting for mom to pick me up. Ye. Think I had Trombone on me at the time. Good memories of Ye lol.

December 2014: Last Insignificant Moment

As the title says, seems like everything 2015 onwards is more memorable. But yeah.

No idea why I took photos of this, maybe book only allowed to be kept in school? But some school shooting thing, I assume it’s for history class. Most of my friends e classed it so did not have a large amount of friends in it.

The adidas table tennis racket also arrived. It was like 70 + free shipping? So nice. Basically my first actual racket. Since it’s pre made I guess it’s beginner to intermediate racket. But man, did it feel so good. ALSO THE THREE STRIPES!!!! ADIDAS LIFE!! Yeah Adidas felt cool, they’re a decent brand I guess. Had a lot of memories with this.

No idea why I keep taking pics of room ceiling when bored.

Left is nice throwback pic when I was searching through closet. Martin and Stephane and I in group project in grade 5 and did nice anemometer thing. Ye. Also took photo of Google maps for this all you can eat sushi place. It was pretty nice, I think this is with scouts. Since that took place last day of school 2014. Also went with friends AYCE sushi for lunch at market village, so it was overall jokes to do it twice in a day. Overall was full!

Random screenshot of wifi hotspot thing idk on phone, taken on boxing day so I assume it was solitude at a mall? idk.

Ok so now above pics were Skyzone with family stuff. No idea why I would take photo outside. But standard no offline Ye so had to take pic of computer screen lol. Was nice though, I recall chilling at a nearby plaza beforehand that was nice with best buy and sportchek? Not sure.

Took above photos December 31. No idea the context lool. But it was day before cousins left, and I think we watched GOTG downstairs which was nice. Also jokes fifty shades series of books lol, apparently I read the entire series over the break. And started thinking about a bunch of stuff randomly for no reason. Ye. Simulations, but nothing inappropriate, not even related to the books tbh. Nice Christmas break, did a lot. But barely recalled much.

Overall the year was nice. First full calendar year with a Smartphone. High school was alright. I did not write much about stuff I don’t have pics off oops. But other nice stuff in California like world cup viewing, nice Germany 7-UP when we were downtown jokes. Oh yeah did lots of minesweeper on laptop over the summer. Not too much cubing I think overall. Started listening to music more (got skullcandy earbuds for birthday or something, first mediocre set!) and yeah. School was ok. Not really super ahead in anything.

Oh yeah I got destructioned in biology test, part of gifted and GATTACA stuff Ye. Nice day where I got like 50 something. Man, would I even imagine taking grade 11 biology lol probably not.

Also practiced ping pong a lot with my dad, and downstairs with my friends during lunch time. And also playing card games with my friends downstairs I think. That was fun. There’s probably a lot more. But too lazy to recollect.

Part 8



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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