My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 6)

Stanley Wongus
7 min readAug 11, 2020


Part 5

September 2014: The Start of Rock Bottom

First day of school assembly. I took a few pics of my uniform pants close up for some reason lol.

also nice code of conduct for SNC2D1 with mr toth lol jokes illuminati, since ms mcisaac was away. Worst course of the year in terms of numbers. So jokes where I was back then, and that I am taking bunch of university science courses lol.

Then it was bonding camp for scouts. Took pic of William sleeping for some reason, just messing around camera? It was also the train cabin which was so destruction.

Campfire and Ye. Also had a vid of maad city walking in and Ye.

Finally got to 131k on 2048 cause I was so bored lol

Also I think group BBI201 business thing and I paired up with the new Ye for the first time ever. Not sure if good thing or bad thing, but took photo of super cringe email that I sent out with illuminati and whatever Ye. bruh lol

Also took a pic of this to make myself feel better? idk just so cool how iPhones are nice and I use one now.

Also some cyanide and happiness pics screenshots. Man, did I like those comics and memes back then.

Also took photo of Google Maps to my table tennis club. Not sure what I did there. But Ye.

Took screenshot of weather for some reason. Also got a meme of why lakers got 3peat cause Shaq. Guess I was a kobe hater back then. First memories of that was 2010 when walking to woodside for lunch gifted last day of gifted grade 5. Was about to be celtics-lakers game 7 and I guess most people wanted Boston to win? idk. also I became a fanboy of Kevin Garnett next few years especially his chest fist thing lol. but I guess I didn’t really like kobe since? But rip kobe.

No idea why i took pic of random league meme. Maybe to impress all my friends who played league?

Toogood pond shoreline cleanup thing for scouts I think, and I took pics of the google maps again lol. throwback when there was no offline capabilities

Also I guess took pics of fake iPhone with android in it. Kind of wanted it since I hate iPhones and they’re super expensive and fake ones are nicer since cheaper and specs and blah blah blah. Also took some pics of my current phone info idk on the settings screen.

No idea why but also had a pic in bamburgh mcdonalds of guy with lakers jersey.

Also it was OBA thing for scouts. I think i volunteered so took pics of tamarack site at woodland trails.

Also not sure if I stayed overnight or not, but pic of sleeping bag for some reason. Wait actually yes, I did. I remember flashlights and stuff at night idk.

Then I got super hype email. Was pretty hyped about Oneplus One for quite a few months. OP flagship killer super nice specs and price. I finally got an invite! Except I think dad won’t let me since I was only one year into current phone and contract lol. Super bummed. Throwback to old microsoft outlook hotmail web. And me having a green troll as my avi.

Took some screenshots of TSM for some reason. Maybe to send in chat to make me look cool? no idea

October 2014: Math is Hard

Also got some pics for chinese school stuff. Think it was my sister’s as she was still in it. No idea what this was for though.

Also took a pic of a racist spongebob thing. rip immature

Bored at my desk so took a few pics?? Pretty messy desk back then lol. Also the super long pencil thing when I was facing Martin in something in grade 8. Don’t remember much. A lot of random trasheon on my desk. But nice to know my collection of mcdonald’s coffee cards was there. Only was around 100 at this point. So much more these days lol.

Also took this nice pic outside window. peep the nice rubik’s brand cube underneath

No idea why I have pics for this ____ Dummies book. Think the instructions is for a calculator scientific regular (that I used for high school at school)

Birthday lunch was some Japanese Ye, and I guess wasabi ginger soy sauce and other Ye destruction and looks gross as I was playing with my food lol. Also idk why i took a pic of dust tornado. Think I was still a bit obsessed with Pokemon cards at this point (end gr9-gr10). Throwback to grade 9 family day weekend I think where I trekked out and got X and Y elite trainer box. Just would like to add it in here lol.

Also throwback to beach volleyball Ye with scouts and stuff lol. Took photos of how to get there. Still no data or offline maps rip. I remember playing lots of Battle Cats also at this point. Was pretty fun and nice trying to unlock and buy new cats and stuff. Eventually just played lots on the ipad with it

Random video of me playing random song? no idea and context

Think this was from thanksgiving weekend when cousins came over and I got this nice racket for my birthday. Double Happiness elite stuff. Think it was a ok budget racket idk. Also might have given it away/broke? It was nice to use for sure

Took random pics of the stepper in the second restroom. Also screenshot of a lebron hating meme. I might still be a lebron hater at this point; probably not since I was a big fan from cleveland part 2 onwards.

Took pic of unit 3 unit guide for MCR-3U1. The worst math course I have taken to date. I think I really struggled with this unit or something. No idea why I took pics, maybe stuck on some concept. it was basically simple algebra and inequalities lol

Random pics I took in my bedroom bored. Think some ceiling pics, with adidas pants or something. Blanket thing bottom right. Also took pics of trophies case again lol. Nice view of 200X sidney crosby tim hortons calendar lol. Door hanger thing jokes as well. Shield of Courage from grade 5 where everyone drew something for Terry Fox then group of 5 paste stuff and I ended up getting this from our group. Landfill now I think. Lol also had lego ninjago poster up.

Also had pyraminx and 6x6 pic bored. Also car poster on door. That was one of the few posters that lasted from like grade 4 until (current august 2020) a few weeks ago. It seemed nice enough to be there and got it for free. Scholastic book fair leftovers and the librarian gave it to us Ms. G? Also random shoe colouring thing from elementary school as well.

Also have another pic of cyanide and happiness comic sperm bank thing.

I was also nothing for halloween, again lol. And that’s it.

Part 7 here.



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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