My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 44) [2020]
June 2020: Big Running
Month started off with more usual BIOL309 worksheets. I think the midterm 1 from last month was a complete L. Got an email about how most marks were going to be deducted since I went over time. Still got like a 55 on it though. However it was pretty clutch that she let it pass since I had a nice timestamp on my photo from my phone that shows that I completed the exam before the time was up before submitting. But that was a large scare and worry overall since the course was pretty hard and had a lot of concepts.
A lot more 309 worksheets, but also some 486 assignment photos. I think there were some 486 photos from last month but forgot to talk about it. But yeah 486 was very hard, especially since the coding stuff takes long and all and it was not super straight foward. But it was nice I was with my friend for the final AI project involving Pokemon which was nice. Also had a nice Thanos Slowbro photo jokes.
Some more 309 photos, and a nice take out photo of thai place takeout that we usually went to. This was like a very big order however, since there was a nice deal or something, so a bunch of leftovers there. Nice Lil Uzi meme thing, some Future and other reply to nice stuff. Nice Spiderman 3 meme thing, and Highest in the Room meme thing for replies and all jokes.
More 309 worksheet stuff, and nice ArsenalFanTV dub snapchat meme things which were still creative and jokes.
Oh yeah I also ramped up mileage during this month. Hit 90s twice I think, and an high 80s and 70s. Peaked at like 95 which was quite unbelievable! Thanks to a jokes 23 miler where I did not have a nice map and ran through Vaughan and destruction kind of but was clutch with Apple Watch payment for Dollar Store gatorade. But a very painful annoying run, but still a decent pace overall. Did a bunch of doubles, and it was pretty fun. The map photos were an anticipated run through some of downtown Toronto and Don Valley trail stuff, but it was aborted at the last minute. It would have been a pretty long run and all, but somehow I just got lazy.
Had no idea how I had so many hours each week despite a semi heavy workload amongst other tasks to do running, especially since I did not wake up super early and usually wake up after the sun rises which is not as nice as last summer. But had nice schedule that coincides with lecture release dates in like 486 and stuff with all the quizzes and stuff.
More 309 worksheets, and nice Lebron happy jokes IG thing. Nice to use in replies and stuff.
More 309 worksheets, and now the second 309 midterm. I grinded a lot harder on this which was nice overall, since I had a decent passing grade which was much better than last time, and submitted everything on time. Worked harder for this! Nice to see it pay off when I finally tried. Oh yeah also remember staying up to finish 486 assignment as well since that was a destruction assignment with the decision trees and the Google online platform thing networks thing Python, a bit annoying.
Oh yeah also did a lot of track workouts this month for more speed which was nice overall, very satisfying to do a nice Tuesday speed workout, Wednesday medium long run, Friday medium tempo-ish run, and Sunday long run. Overall a decent routine except for the wake up time.
Also had nice enough time to make meals I think. Rarely took any photos of that since I did not think it was a super big deal. But it was overall very nice, especially Sunday tacos which started last month I think (photos only sent on FB messenger so don’t have it on my phone).
Finally, to end off the month, some 309 worksheets, and a nice Spongebob meme jokes thing.
So yeah, had a lot of running done this month, averaged over 12–13 miles a day I think which was quite insane. Body still felt pretty decent though iirc. Overall went through a big hump of school stuff, since i was able to get through 309 and 486 nicely. The other courses were tiny speed bumps since they were pretty light so I did not talk about it too much.
July 2020: Pain
Started off this month with a bunch of 309 worksheets of course. Still a grinder course. But I knew it was almost over, and just have to pass the final midterm to pass the course.
Nice Arthur jacket meme thing jokes, and finally more 309 worksheets, the last ones of the term. And of course, the midterm photos, which was a nice pass as expected overall.
This was the final question thing photo of the month. Overall, not too many photos of food or anything like that.
Forgot to mention earlier that I started in June to shut off my phone for days, one time even going for a week. I realized that I did not really need my phone anymore for too many things. It was fun and relaxing not to use it I think. I still made some food, but took like a 2 week break this month I think cause ye stuff. I also felt pain in my right knee which was destruction; well not really knee, but a joint thing near my knee which forced me to completely stop running and take a break.
However, I also did a lot of Rubik’s cube. I forgot to mention last few months that I started doing the 4x4 a lot and it was really fun and nice. I was able to improve my time to like mid 50s, and was finally able to break the elusive sub 1 minute barrier! I kept talking to my friend about it, so some of our message history was a nice timestamp of my progression in speedcubing which is nice. This month I also got the Moyu Aosu WRM and the Weilong GTS 2M which was quite expensive overall, but was an upgrade that I really needed for both the 3x3 and 4x4. Overall, they were both godlike cubes and I was able to further my 3x3 PB to a sub-7 second solve which was so nice, and 4x4 to sub 40 (or something like that). Really nice stuff overall.
Also I plan to get a standing desk next month, since I think the pains I felt attributed to overworking my body running, especially doing all those doubles, as well as sitting down so much, whether it is cubing, watching stuff on Youtube, or just doing a bunch of schoolwork and stuff. I wanted to get nice posture and overall nicer lower body stuff and hopefully can stand up almost the entire day in the future.
I also started planning some stuff for my debut album, which I plan for it to come out on August 8 2020, exactly a 10-year anniversary of 2010, when the Ye happened which was Ye. So overall, that is basically my July.
I got a bit hurt. Though also got the Boston 9s, which the first run as a disaster in them. Also got the infinity reacts last month, pegasus 36s in April, and Turbo 35 (again x4) in February, but forgot to mention everything about them. I hope I can recover soon, but for now, I was basically just using a super old and Ye exercise bike in the basement, while watching Food television channels and stuff.
Part 45 here.