My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 39)

Stanley Wongus
9 min readSep 7, 2020


Part 38

August 2019: Summer, Austin, Texas.

So first few weeks no photos as exam period and Ye. But overall nice, parents bought over some nice costco usual food and Ye. I still cooked a bit. But overall nice exams and rayquaza raids, actually got a shiny nice and daily stuff, and also nice team rocket stuff. Also did raid instead of studying for 240 stuff is actually jokes. Started planning on doing the pfitz87 plan I think, and I planned for san antonio marathon cause seems nice during end of coop and stuff in december, so I have all the time for nice and nice weather december which will be cool.

Exams went alright, so much slacking because of harry potter stuff which I went through a lot of and some nice fantastic beasts stuff movies and reading lore stuff so cool. But yeah, they all went alright; went like >85 nicely for all my courses iirc even though choking and getting 50s and 60s on some midterms. No honours list but whatever. Still doing nice workouts and stuff like that. Also forgot to mention watched nice far from home last month with Ye at the conestoga theatre Ye nice day.

Also got airpods for once cause nice and needed some nice since the bose ones sucks for listening long period of time since hooks destruction when not exercising as much.

Also nice after 240 exam was fairview park thing and nike outlet store and got zoom fly flyknit cause nice around 90 price with tax and stuff which was really good and needed a nice tempo shoe and carbon plate and other nice.

Overall exam period was nice and stuff. Then got back home. Hung out for nice and stuff and nice starbucks from shepherd and Ye as usual. Then nice random Ye food with Ye on Yonge ave after nice escape room stuff with testies cause nice. Also went CNE and hung out with friends a lot during the week off after exam since only had this time before flight to Austin.

So overall that week was nice, except left shin was a bit destruction from all the running, and after week 3 i think of the pfitz plan so Ye. Also epic reacts were like dead to me after coming home i think even though ~420 miles but did lots of 2018 stuff with it so Ye, just casual stuff now.

So finally met up with Ye and stuff STC, but before nice thai usual place green curry OP stuff. Then angel has fallen 30% of movie before watching LCS finals at Ye house with nice and stuff C9 and TL. Then I think that was saturday or sunday, but I finished my long run for the week (then maybe take part of next week off since destruction shin and vacation texas stuff). Started packing some nice for the trip, not bringing the OG turbos and reacts. Just the trusty 35 turbo pink and zoom fly flyknit, and also standard 35 shields which I have been using all summer. Half casual, but I still used for like ball and a bunch of other stuff. But nice no laces but still nice fit system, and nice water Ye resistant. As shown above, took photo of bunny and bear bear since going to be a long time without them, like 4 months in a row, has not ever happened in the past, since didn’t have that much luggage and Ye. But Ye. Then screenshot of house and living info and all that stuff.

So overall nice flight there, and rented car family stuff vacation for like almost a week before work starts and stuff.

Went to nice domain first day there, got nice shake shack OP stuff. Very tasty. Still no running since shin still Ye, a bit Ye when walking.

Next day was nice chick fil a with OP chicken stuff and nice fries and nuggets and overall so nice experience there. Also really nice all around with the sweet tea and all the OP food stuff. Didn’t take photos of everything, but food was nice overall.

Then next was nice olive garden stuff lol, I just got casual chicken pasta stuff. Then San antonio next day which was pretty nice, got jokes photos and stuff. Then a dinner thing was really nice in n out burgers and fries animal fries really nice overall OP. Also remember going to nice outlets in round rock and san marcos for nice. Got new aeroswift singlet stuff nice for running nice sale, and nice shirt stuff, and nice turbos again. Decided to get a nice fresh pair for longer runs since the current one might run out later on, and wanted 2 reliable nice for daily to rotate. So Ye, got a lot of nice through shopping overall. Nice bat cave and downtown and UT campus, and overall nice experience. No Dallas or Houston, but overall nice experience and Yeing stuff.

So that’s it for August. Work starts soon and stuff, and went through a lot in just one month. Overall super excited and took like almost one week off running cause destruction. A bit worried if I can get BQ or not since mileage plan falling behind real quick RIP. But overall did a lot of nice with friends and family this month and lots of new stuff. Still nice running in the beginning of month.

September 2019: Lots of nice

So Ye first day of september, I did like a 5 ish mile easy which was nice? So finally got a outdoor run in, as I finally slept in house nice. Then went whataburger nice with family.

Then I was basically alone I guess. Did some nice rayquaza raids with random locals which was pretty nice and so many nice pokestops in the neighborhood and stuff. Then went on a hot run next morning. Overall nice I think.

First day of work, usual wifi passwords and all that stuff. Then Thursday nice cafe el dorado (i think) and super nice enchilada super OP chicken and other Ye. Super nice tex mex stuff. Overall ran in morning before work started. Nice walk to work mopac nice overall and stuff like that. Also ran past UT for like one or two days during this work week. So overall it’s nice. Nice jokes snap stuff. Then weekend did a nice long run 16 miles near downtown area which was really cool. Taco deli after that, and it was super nice, super OP, food so nice.

Then next week is cool too. Work laptop nice I guess 15 inch macbook stuff, and work was cool, area was nice, usual standing desk and monitor stuff and topo chico la croix and bunch of nice stuff in kitchen super cool and I really enjoyed it. The catered stuff was nice, and going out was nice. Thursday was nice restaurant thing nearby 5 min walk sweet potato fries sandwich and stuff. Then weekend went to ABP so nice, bouldering first time I think and so OP. Went to nice (forgot place name, but nice burnet rd thing) and got nice chicken burger thing and sweet potato fries cause nice. Then nighttime was random coffee stuff, and monopoly or catan nice I forgot, but it was fun, but I think slept around like 3 destruction stuff.

Oh yeah forgot to mention that I was doing pfitz70 now with slight modification of running on monday, easy 5 miles. Felt ok so far. But destruction on that Sunday after destruction sleep, went around town lake nicely for once. Didn’t finish the run cause got tired around mile 15 so destruction pace and weather overall and felt destruction, not sure if I could meet goals based off of this Ye. But nice miada Ye with Ye and went taco deli afterwards. Nice ride after LR.

Next week was nice snap stuff, nice tesla ride super OP maxxed out stuff. Then I think we went outdoor for rock climbing this week which was fun but super hot and Ye. Then later went Ye for car thing for Ye, as well as nice Buc ee’s stuff which was so cool and nice. Then nice ride in the evening. Then next day surprisingly nicer run, able to finish 20 miles nicely surprisingly so nice. Maybe even though hot yesterday, got nice burrito stuff from cabo bob’s OP and got nice body armour drinks which was really nice energy. Then got cane’s chicken stuff for lunch which was nice recovery after long run lol jokes.

Ye then random recording piano nice in the house stuff.

Next week work nice? Thursday was random thai place on burnet plaza thing across the big walmart thing. Curry chicken always nice. And got a recording of the Trump 2020 random guy thing Ye jokes stuff. Got a photo of the dark thumbs up for memes and jokes. As well as jokes kawhi thanos stuff.

Then weekend was nice as saturday event this week was nice canoeing stuff on the lake

Fun stuff since I ran to the lake thing cause nice 6 mile run ish in the morning. Overall running plan is going fine, except weather so destruction so maybe not on the proper pace; but still hitting mileage decently.

Then afterwards was nice chil an tro place thing which was nice fries poutine custom kimchi fries I think, and nice bowl thing as well. Nice amount of health I think.

Then night time bubble tea jokes stuff shaking stuff. I think also got the halal bros at night thing before catan; not sure can’t remember that well.

Then next day was nice 20 mile around lake which was nice as usual, just super exhausting near the end even though pace was not that fast lol fitness Ye’d but weather stuff. But nice afterwards vera cruz taco truck thing. Super OP drinks and super op food as usual. So nice. Liked the Sunday routine of nice long run then Ye drive to nice food.

So overall September nice. Food was like super OP, and exercising was getting back up to speed to normal; super nice long runs along the lake and stuff, and medium-longs past UT stuff cool. Work was pretty cool I guess, no highlights in particular aside from drinking so much la croix and topo chico every day lol. Oh yeah also the X3 exercise bar which was like a nice strength addition thing which was nice.

Part 40 here.



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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