My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 35)
January 2019: New Job Again
So started off nicely I remember doing quite a lot of cycling in the house during the break, as well as running a bit too.
January in a span of a few days. New years was weirdly nice? and then snowing began. Some short videos Ye sent me when I was trying to edit some stuff resembling 21 savage album thing. Oh yeah also went out nice eglinton cineplex to watch spider verse again then super nice ayce sushi stuff.
A few more nice afternoon evening runs before work started. Was getting decent exercise in now I guess. Winter snow not really destruction yet.
First day of work emails and info related to it. All i remember is nice usual casual greek restaurant takeout like food nice souvlaki and potatoes and Ye. Then presentation about random Ye new hire stuff which my eyelids weighed over 100 pounds rip. I remember not being as nice cause weird setup and hard to find laptop password and all that so I took longer to set up and left at destruction late. Only nice relative to before was that nice cafeteria with unlimited cool drinks stuff and yogurt and fruits and coffee and other Ye. Also nice tvs with like playstation or some Ye. Some board game stuff pretty cool too.
Then random screenshots of random Ye? idk jokes or whatever.
Played Pokemon Go a lot. And on the weekend nice totodile community day so nice except I didn’t know at the time about shiny rates and Ye. But still nice progress; play every day on phone on the way to work and back and stuff on the bus cool. Also got in a nice run I guess, weather still nice. Oh yeah every friday go out for lunch and Ye for work, so first week was starving artist waffles and stuff nice.
Next weekend was nice happy place Ye. A lot of photos of Ye.
A lot of nice jokes and Ye stuff that I can use in the future!
Ye basically random instagram stuff with cousin and my sister. Also weather a bit more Ye these days with more snow and stuff.
Wearing epic reacts a lot more casually these days. Did not run too much in them, like 20 miles max lol. Then mostly casual stuff during 2A term lol.
A lot more photos later, then Eaton center for nice, and got mango diamond slush real fruit nicely. Ye started getting it last year after assembly cause so nice. Also chipotle so nice too.
Next week friday of work went to this Chinese place Ye. It was pretty nice with the amount of noodles that you can get. lol jokes simple carbs and stuff. Also random meme of Ye.
I didn’t take photos of every friday lunch destruction so I don’t remember too much lol, should’ve saved every snapchat thing Ye cause I did that much more.
But final weekend of Ye met up with testies and finally wore yeezys first time outside home lol, pretty cool stuff. Overall fit is not super nice, but nice enough I guess. Like for short going out stuff it would be fine. But not the best fit compared to other shoes. And random pose stuff jokes.
Think I posted some Ye on IG for it so yeah. Cool stuff. I think the flower stuff for chinese new year? idk.
So that’s it for January. Work was fine. A bit destruction since not as young as previous Ye, and taking bus back and forth a bit Ye cause like almost a mile walk to bus stop from work but nice since I could run there and race to catch bus. Rare bus since markham bus extension stuff but still overall pretty nice. I think I did exercise bike every morning then back from work I would maybe run treadmill cause nice and stuff. Overall exercising was decent, just a casual amount. Work laptop a bit heavy and Ye lol didn’t always bring it home, and I also didn’t feel like I was doing enough nice at work, but whatever just first month. Met up with friends nice.
February 2019: Going out A LOT and Food!
So first weekend of the month, went downtown with cousin and family and stuff for nice museum of illusions stuff, basically picture Ye and stuff again.
Very cool illusions and random booths and nice. Also went to the Bay in Eaton for this nice other photo random thing lol.
So got more nice and photos and Ye. Then Eaton for casual fast food lunch, then home. Overall pretty nice. Oh yeah for work I started running a lot more, especially after work and stuff, weekend pretty consistent too. That’s why I wanted new shoes since I was mostly going to work with pegasus 33s I got like during 1A. Still reliable and nice, but overall not the best.
So I ended up going to markville for nice peg 35 shield super cool since easy to put on and nice water resistance. Also met mayor of markham cause chinese new year nice. I think went on a run during the weekend as well cause more snow and stuff these days. Also random pic for jokes; not really. Also photo of birthday ipod music stuff for my 2 new singles Stanley Dancing With the Butterflies and Stanley Dancing on the Moon. Destruction ditto music stuff so I couldn’t get those singles out. Only on soundcloud. Couldn’t put it on anything else destruction, so couldn’t really get anything nice for Ye.
Nice Ye next week burger thing with nice sweet potato stuff. I think this was before reading week weekend, family day stuff. No reading week since work and stuff. And weekend nice stuff again at STC I think for CNY stuff, and got real fruit usual nice, with Ye, and got nice photos again lol.
Ye met up with them nicely again, and then ran on Sunday I think as usual. Ye been biking nicely as well.
Then got red lobster nice Ye cleanish food during the week for dinner cause nice, and then makruito so nice I actually ended up getting 2 nice Ye. Pretty fire no cap. So overall nice.
Oh yeah also ended up watching nice Lego Movie 2 with Ye and captain marvel opening night with friends and nice. Super cool stuff.
Also did nice for collateral birthday and stuff like that video and stuff. Oh yeah got full adobe suite for a year nicely cause nice, and did a lot of stuff with it so far. Did nice memes and stuff for some gc’s and stuff for birthday stuff. Then made some nice videos and Ye. Collateral sushi birthday Ye and stuff.
Then next weekend I think it was starting to be sunnier runs, so took photo of tan? And random gritty Ye, and rope stuff. Also I think I took random photo of evening run? I think some runs these days were done after work in evening? Not sure.
Then random nice of hiding DS cause super relatable jokes, and me running to bus stop cause Ye photo from bus and stuff jokes.
Yeah so overall that’s it for February. Overall did so much nice over weekends with friends and such, and got decent nice such as movies and new peg shields now I can use for literally anything. Started running a lot and exercise is still constant; mornings for like 45 minutes bike downstairs, then more nice such as strength and treadmill or running after work. Nice longer runs on weekends. Also forgot photo of nice escape room for coops Ye and nice. Work is fine, not much highlights and Ye but nice board games and such every day for lunch nice anticipations. Sometimes jokes amount of time spent during lunch. Overall decent Ye.
Part 36 here.