My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 34)

Stanley Wongus
8 min readAug 30, 2020


Part 33

November 2018: Icon and New Single

So I started going to icon for nice 1102 cause needed to train for cn tower stair climb thing and stuff so went at like evening-night almost every day to do some stair climb stuff in stair, and did like 4 miles or such every morning? And weekends were like 6–8 miles of stuff?

Yeah so nice lebron photo wallpaper thing, and also nice stat230 photo in class for some reason. Nice class cause nice 3 stripes beside me.

Yeah now a bunch of nice math239 photos. I usually finish like a week in advance cause fun and nice, I really enjoy the course somehow lol after thinking it would destroy me. Not that easy, need a lot of thinking and assists from Google. Also nice mad react chain photo, facebook logging out meme thing, and race photo from the marathon which was nice.

Also cooking going pretty nice too. I cook almost every dinner which was very cool, usually in nice form of chicken cause so nice just chicken breast. Sometimes with nice curry and Ye. Also have like canned fish and beans and corn sometimes too. Also sometimes nice pork chops or fish Ye. Also nice leftovers that last almost a week if I go home for weekend.

So CN Tower climb thing on 2nd weekend of November I think? Not sure. But improved from last time to like mid-12s but still nowhere near personal best so destruction. That’s cause lots of people in the way and Ye. Still decent fitness overall I guess. Also nice pic troy williams in cs/bba troll lol. And more cs245 photos. And nice icon memory so troll and nice. And finally got campus pizza and shot a nice youtube video for it, while eating the entire pizza. Nice review and stuff lol.

Nice troll gym session with Ye later and some troll photos for ig I think. Nice penguins meme thing jokes. Also more cs245 photos, and finally made a single collab with roji super nice carry. Fun times super cool.

Also I usually get nice stir fry pita or 2 small burritos for lunch these days lol so jokes.

So more 239 photos, oh yeah and nice avocado guacamole toast thing like a few times a week or so cause so nice and Ye. Nice patrick memes jokes. 3d selfie thing facebook feature Ye. Nice jokes black friday apple store homepod troy williams jokes. Doshack order of nice pizza and pasta thing, I think it was on sale. More photos of 245 I think. Very jokes carmelo anthony hawks jersey lol. Overall yeah, just casual stuff this month.

Finally, more 239 stuff, and GKMC iphone background thing which I used for my phone for like quite a few months cause nice.

So overall November super nice. Friends nice icon 1102 and bunch of other nice. Finally got my 3rd ever single out, in collab with nice. Lots of nice cooking and takeout Ye. Was doing decent in school overall. Overall super cool and exams next month. Oh yeah I also got job Genesys Ye in Markham lol kind of jokes but nice ttc and Ye? Obviously didn’t get my expectations of nice, especially with Wish interview and Ye, but overall still nice. Still ran like the usual Ye.

December 2018: Missed an Exam

So basically exams and stuff this month.

Finished final assignments, and nice subway moment after studying with Ye cause girl random thing Ye jokes lol. Also listening to a lot of kanye cause so nice at the moment.

Took photo of ID stuff for job I think? Yeah so also missed cs245 exam really destruction. I thought it was afternoon but it was first thing in the morning. Thing was I was already in school studying for something else since more important next week biology. Luckily got really lucky and got to take it in the afternoon no cap. So it was really nice. Next week was stat then biology exams back to back days. Stat was a lot of practice and biology was a lot of memorization needed. Since bio midterm destruction I studied really hard for it and a lot of memorization Ye.

Got nice meme of earth stuff, and also spotify year end thing. Forgot to mention after I got iPhone I switched to Apple music cause nice deal 3 months of nice. But still used spotify for like at least half to 3/4 of this year, and nice. Lots of Kanye cause nice runaway. Made steak and broccoli weekend after 245 exam so nice. Then random photo for main ig stuff during biology studying, day before. Then nice meme jokes of defense with the island people killing some Ye stuff.

Now got nice termination cause don’t want to live super nice expensive cause too good for me. So basically gone after 8 months and Ye. Also nice 240 prof with nice photo during exam. Basically one of the GOAT profs cause so nice during class and stuff and cool fun Ye. Very nice photo overall. Except so much memorization needed for the class. Also nice cheque deposit or something for the sublet postdated or some Ye.

Got nice quinoa broccoli and salmon dinner so nice homemade stuff. Oh yeah and also smartwater so nice. Ye really enjoyed carbonated water for a long time (forgot to mention many times previously of how nice it is so I sometimes get it if nice price). Smartwater carbonated in background.

Then Stat exam went decently nice I think also, just a big grind since mostly practice questions to do nicely.

Then a few days to prepare for cs246. Destruction midterm so hopefully nicer final cause nicer content towards the end. Nice SJU studying with Ye and nice day before I think. Overall super nice. Oh yeah I was playing pokemon showdown and sporcle a lot these days so slacking a lot on stuff during exam studying, as always destruction. Overall would do usual exercise routine in morning then go to library early for slacking a few hours then start studying destruction. But yeah overall nice.

Did the exam 246 on saturday, nice and probably super duper duper soft. So easy lol. Then chilled with cs testies cause destruction mostly everyone’s last day except me since math239 destruction last day of exams timing rip.

Ye so overall 239 went decently, not that bad. Then time to move out like a few hours later cause I don’t wanna stay any more lol. Took pics of Ye cause sublet and stuff coming over Ye and stuff. Overall the school term was decent. Lots of fun and food stuff since i’m mostly independent and stuff so super nice. Lots of flexibility since I’m near plaza and icon as well. School stuff was ok, got decent clutch at the end, especially after missing exam. Just a bit off for biology, but overall everything else is nice.

Finally got the new adidas 2 in 1 shorts which was pretty cool and new blue 3 stripes pants cause nice and black friday sale. Also visited school again and nice mitch marner moment Ye lol. Then got Pokemon Go!!!! A very important moment! When hanging and Yeing at woodside and pizza stuff. Also jokes memorizing countries of the world and spongebob stuff.

Then it was Christmas stuff. Nice moments and stuff like that. Nice photos christmas stuff markville.

Nice opentext cause jokes stuff, and actually got in a run as well photo thing. Nice weather this time since no snow rip climate change. But nice. Nice party thing at someone else’s house and also random form for wifi password and info i had to send to sublet and stuff.

Also hung out with friends nicely cause watched spider man into spiderverse, bumblebee, aquaman, Vice, and Ye. Overall super nice overall lol. Busy malls though. Oh yeah also won Yeezy raffle, and ended up actually getting the 350v2s static. Ye kinda cool I guess but money Ye destruction!

And that’s it for December, overall super nice and cool. Exams was a bit weird overall but still nice, I made nice steak lol, and also icon and friends nice stuff. And also when I got back home lots of nice to do and jokes. Movies were nice, and overall nice.

So that’s it for 2018. Winter term was a bit weird and destruction but overall it was still memorable and fun. Summer term was big peak cause nice in everything and super fun and cool stuff. Fall term was a bit off, but still very nice exercising overall and got a lot accomplished with courses and jokes. Overall, accomplished a lot of nice this year in exercising, though I still had BQ in mind for a long time, not really that close to sub 3 hours yet. Also in terms of school it went pretty nice overall, no deans list or any nice, but still cool given 1102 and other nice stuff happening and stuff. Watched a lot of nice movies, infinity war one of the nicest. So yeah. 2019 would start off with markham coop and Ye. Overall hopefully it was nicer since only one school term that year.

Part 35 here.



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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