My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 32)

Stanley Wongus
7 min readAug 29, 2020


Part 31

August 2018 [part 2]: Migraine Trip

So literally right after final moments of work on last day, I went to gym goodlife the Woodbine one. Nice workout then got a call/text destruction about work Ye which was ok. Also found out I left my macbook pro charger at work rippppp. Absolute gross destruction. No idea if someone would get it by accident. Cause bought MBP last day of work cause last day Ye video stuff.

But w/e went party with friends later cause bday and other Ye.

Drove there. And Ye got mcdonalds and stuff around warden highway 7 Ye airbnb stuff, so walked out during night and stuff, so I did the usual troll mcdonald’s machine thing lol jokes. But overall Ye. it was alright. the usual Ye stuff. Drove there and basically an uber back for Ye rip. s/o to nick though let me borrow his MBP charger for like a week cause nice.

Then weekend and few more days was family Ye to blue mountain for nice.

High ropes and nice Ye for first day cool Ye. Nice fun and stuff.

Next day went to nice tall thing and Ye and got random jokes photo thing lol. Not sure which day, but went to other city or thing, and nice fish and chips of the coast of random Ye. Also went to wasaga beach or some random Ye. Overall nice and a few new experience Ye.

Also did mini golf and random ride thing I think. Got tornado warning on the last night there. Ye family photo and other Ye at blue mountain village.

Got nice pizza and other Ye on the last day as well. Overall very cool food. But basically been eating garbage last few weeks overall. Though I did work out quite some, over the last few weeks I think cause still a bit motivated. Also started benching downstairs Ye like 50ish reps lol jokes how was i so nasty back then lol.

Ye so last day there was pretty casual.

Just hiked up halfway through the Ye, but dad got tired and stuff so went back down lol, cause we only got 2 ski lift Ye, so random Ye.

Ye and overall that was the trip pretty nice overall.

Oh yeah I was also focused on getting job for next term as well. Obviously I want nice usa and other Ye like cisco meraki cause I think I would have an advantage cause of just past coop. I applied to Ye and other nice Ye externally like Meraki. Lol gassed myself up too much back then.

So day after got back, went movie with Ye, blackkklansman again lol jokes and also some thai express curry Ye nice beforehand too. Felt destruction and cold and head hurted throughout. Then after back home felt so destruction migraine and stuff. Almost went to hospital later that night cause so much pain Ye. Think this was sum of destruction food and sleep and exercise and other Ye past few weeks cause so bad. Then next day felt a bit better, went out with friends to korean bbq or something rip. Felt better overall and not really hurt. Then after went downtown back to office building cause needed to obtain charger again. A bit hub ub to make sure it was actually mine, but overall really nice. Then had to talk about some ye and other stuff. Then afterwards walked to CNE and meet up with friends again where we just Ye’d there the rest of the night. rip gambling games and other stuff lol jokes. But overall pretty nice experience. Think I also went cne last year but forgot to mention lol Ye.

Overall August was very nice and cool. Finished first term of Ye, went to ottawa for nice, lots of adobe nice projects. Released first single, and also went nice trip and did lots of stuff with friends after work term ended. Very nice and stuff overall. Oh yeah forgot that I watched crazy rich asians with my family jokes, as well as Ye square one with Ye and watched it a second time there, but overall nice.

September 2018: Dropping out

So basically back to school now. Forgot to mention in july that i checked out fergus house with Ye cause we already subletted out for next winter lol jokes. But yeah living in nice elite ye for the fall and next summer term.

Had to take photos before moving in. Super cool and nice but expensive lol. Also I did not feel like moving in and stuff cause what was the point of school lol. Summer experience felt super nice and did not enjoy the purpose of school anyways. Wanted to be rapping and bunch of other Ye and felt like school useless.

Well whatever, ended up doing school. First few days off was Ye driving a lot so I Ye and nice. Nike factory store nice foam roller, 2 pairs of nice socks, and also MX Master 2S very nice overall stuff that I got.

Shot random video of printer and other Ye. Overall went out a bit for dinner as well. I really wanted to drop out though, felt useless and pointless lol contemplating a lot of stuff.

First few days was just random intro, had nice courses with some friends.

Then also started going to some info session cause food and other nice lol and wanted nice. Google one was nice I guess. Overall cool. Started cooking some lol cause no more meal plan stuff. Also I had to start applying for jobs and resume and stuff. Also intramural basketball again, as always.

Went home second weekend cause nice and also did a nodejs clash royale project thing, Ye I was still playing clash royale a lot lol cause nice. Getting higher and higher nice trophies with it lol.

Random run from Saturday when I went back home. Ye didn’t take any run photos at school, and didn’t do much running back home Ye rip. Also ran a bit more than usual cause marathon next month.

Ye random cs245 pic as well as waterloowork random Ye lol. I applied mostly usa jobs this term rip. how did i become so gassed over my last coop experience lol rip.

I still ate out a bit, met up with cousin like once every other week now he’s here for some nice asian food and Ye. Gol’s noodle was super nice.

CS245 pics in class for random stuff. Also nice sponebob squidward facebook react meme thing jokes. Also DoShack pizza and pasta sale thing on a day so I just got both cause I was hungry and Ye.

Random screenshot of quote thing lol idk.

Overall that’s it for september. Applied to some extra stuff round 2 cause nervous and Ye. Also no interviews or anything yet cause i was trash. Also living and cooking myself was decent, learned chicken breast and other nice cool stuff. Overall it was really fun I guess, running quite consistently. Also courses were ok, dropped 240L after i felt weird. Also I had made a new single song lol jokes, also I made some more songs production and other stuff and Ye. But overall I didn’t want to drop out anymore. I’ll just play through the term. Didn’t like school but whatever. Everything was pretty annoying, courses were Ye. Math239 so destruction and hard confusing and annoying. Other stuff annoying rip.

But first month 2nd year nice I guess.

Part 33 here.



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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