My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 30)

Stanley Wongus
9 min readAug 28, 2020


Part 29

May 2018: New job, Ottawa

So work didn’t start until Tuesday. Commute downtown toronto life will start soon lol.

Went on some ok runs like around 4–6 miles ish? On may 1 and 2. Had half marathon this coming sunday and hoping to do nice? First week of job was nice. Cool stuff and people and Ye. Too much to write about each week and month of it, so I won’t mention too many details, but it was nice. Half marathon was not as nice, still sub 1:30, but did not PR. So basically fall and winter training kind of regressed me, or nothing much happened. Well makes a bit of sense since focused on school and prioritzed other stuff rip. I was a bit motivated for future stuff now. I had boston marathon goal but idk.

Got this May 6 jokes raptors swept by lebron lol. Also watched infinity war for 3rd time cause nice I think. Second week of work was also nice I think. Worked from home friday for first time which was pretty cool, and got to visit high school again Ye. Overall started getting work done i think, with the 2 Ye’s as part of my job. Also pretty cool lenovo work laptop.

Sporting Life 10k on Sunday was nice, got mid 38s for it. Considering past destructions, it was nice finally getting a sub 40 time officially for once, and it was overall nice experience. Took subway home this week and last week cause nice. Overall super cool.

Oh yeah commute life was a bit solitude, but I got nice newspaper sudoku every morning and listen to nice music, mostly guardians of the galaxy Ye nice throwback. Oh yeah also watched nice deadpool 2 opening night with Ye nice in the scotiabank theatre.

Then after, it was going to Ottawa alone for victoria day weekend to visit cousins for nice.

Very nice via rail stuff with Ye bashroom and train food cool. Then nice dinner curry potatoes and Ye.

May tulip festival so nice as well, on Sunday. Cool stuff. Then went to nice museum thing science thing nice lego exhibit so OP.

Very nice stuff overall, and made nice wakanda forever lol jokes.

Also nice soundproof room thing I have seen in youtube and Ye.

Went to red lobster for dinner. Nice pasta and shrimp Ye I guess. Just casual Ye.

Then victoria day I left, but nice bagels in the morning, got nice Tuna and Ye. super duper nice storemade bagels and stuff.

Then back to work. Week was nice I guess. Then next week finally visiting Ye’s in grand prairie and edmonton alberta west Ye.

Grand Prairie first which was nice. All flights transferred through calgary cause cheap and Ye lol. GP was cool i guess, pretty rural and stuff but few malls tiny and Ye. Tallest building captured in pic above lol. Very sandy not too green. Right right. Had nice spaghetti dinner first night I think. Also this was a period of time where I got orange juice as a drink everywhere I went with a meal. Ye was nice and took me around everywhere.

Next day was like the first day of actually working there and Ye. Got nice steak Ye for dinner I think. Cool. Then drove like a distance to like 2 cities deep to get nice pics of oil well Ye so OP. Ye pretty cool stuff.

And that’s it for May. Leaving GP soon, just 3 nights here. Work was starting out nicely. Only thing not as nice was business casual cause Ye. But overall super duper cool. And also races was pretty nice and fun. Also hotel and nice exercise Ye so I was able to do nice each morning and night. Ye.

June 2018: More Work & Nice

So final work day grand prairie was nicest. So Ye usual, with lunch wrap and chips downstairs in work building (was yesterday), but today was nice restaurant place.

Got super nice enchilada and sweet potato fries super op and nice. So cool. Then after work went to five guys for dinner nice burger Ye. Then watched Solo in theatre, super small and Ye cause small town lol cineplex still. Super cool. The box store setup near hotel was super nice and convenient. Cool stuff overall. Then got poke bowl and nice browns social house thing after. Also I think I was like one of the very few few few chinese dudes in the city Ye lol, felt most out of place my whole life tbh lol. Then Ye, next day was to edmonton. Overall GP was nice. Very new place I’ve never been, and got to see and experience a lot, solitude sometimes. Also got nice Nike green dark shorts running that fits a tiny bit small, but I still use to this day! Worked out every night and morning I was here, pretty solid tbh.

Ye next edmonton. Took some photos on plane. Taxi Ye to hotel thing then took taxi uber thing to mall (nice big kind of like outletish vaughan mills) nearby and got nice sushi and noodle Ye lol. 1 iq for thinking weekend Ye all expensed lol destruction. Ye needed nutrients and stuff so went to the gnc in the mall and got 3 MP bars and a pack of strawberry protein shake lol GNC brand iirc. Needed all the nice to work out with. Then nike outlet was nice and got a 1/2 zip for like 25 cause half off and nice Ye, and a white running dri fit t shirt thing for like 15 or 20. Overall pretty nice. Other nice stores too. Basically a vaughan mills tbh that’s beside airport. Then uber taxi random Ye destruction so I ended up walking back to hotel thing so destruction. I’m in leduc, airport Ye, not edmonton so it was basically destruction big roads and Ye almost highway stuff. Pretty sketch. Don’t like not being nice urban sidewalk Ye.

Then next day finally decided to get Uber and Ye for west edmonton mall for nice.

Overall a very very long day. Phone battery almost destruction lol. But the right photos was saved from snap from exactly one year ago lol s/o physics project and Ye drinks and Ye.

So the mall was super large. I actually went to nice amusement park rides inside, was dizzying, as mentioned before, but it was overall super nice, lots of stuff. I went window shopping a bunch. Ended up getting nice 7 inch compression white shorts I think, which was pretty cool, on sale. Maybe black better in hindsight rip. So many other places window shop and stuff. Oh yeah got greek Ye for lunch? Also nice casino thing inside, so took photos cause Ye.

Nice T and T or some asian style supermarket as well. Also watched deadpool 2 in the nice theatre. Got smartwater and had to pee like halfway so badly lol, held it in clutchly. It literally had so much nice inside. Pretty exciting overall and fun to explore. Then dinner was cactus club thing. nice mini steak thing and orange juice as usual lol bad lighting.

destruction phone battery percentage though, so it was just staring and solitude while waiting for food. decent tip iykwim. Ye so overall that was the weekend of edmonton Ye. Solid. Except destruction location not even edmonton lol. Couldn’t do much overall cause didn’t want destruction uber fees.

So work was for mon-wed. Basically every day was still same workout morning and night.

Took nice selfie cause jokes lol. But yeah, nice commitment overall, the protein purchases paid off a bit. Work was nice, got ride per usual. Nice hotel breakfast and Ye. Forgot to mention that entire hotel room myself for the first time so nice lol, so much space and Ye. Only destruction part of it was dinner cause by myself lol. First night was steak Ye which I did not take photo. SEcond night I actually went to another hotel and got dinner lol it was decent curry.

Super nice value cause lots of nice sides and Ye. Orange juice hehe. Solid.

And that was basically it for edmonton stuff. Back to toronto. It was nice at the end. Very cool experience. Did lots. Once in a lifetime Ye.

Next day back from work was fire drill lol. Then day after was nice volunteering food bank thing.

Did this kind of stuff before multiple times, pretty nice off work stuff I guess.

Then after that was party thing, which i don’t like but I just Ye around and jokes.

Hot dog with burned shreds from bbq stuff? idk random Ye I just took photo of for some reason.

Ok, so next week in June. Basically expense reports so bunch of receipt photos Ye.

Took nice B/R photo cause lebron Ye nice. think this was my fb dp for a while. I think I was still exercising nicely at this time, lululemon 10k on weekend, jokes 1st place in age group for me so got another nice medal. Also nice participant bag at end, metallic and Ye. Not even pr, like a mid 39? But overall ok. Think my body was a bit worn out last week from like doing morning and night workout at hotels lol.

Oh yeah work was still going solid I guess. Playing around with so many different apis and making many different chatbots and stuff these days lol. Pretty cool stuff. Also some screenshots of timesheets cause made a bot thing for that as well. Also I think I was starting to order more and more food downstairs at the food court thing lol. Greek stuff and tim hortons lol. Very solid overall! I think sometimes I get starbucks nice refresher in the morning, sometimes steeped tea tim hortons cause nice. Ye.

Wore orange tights underneath Ye one day??? idk. looking back i was quite immature during this coop i think. something bought it out of me, cause usually im not. Usually when im relaxed and comfortable with everyone around me i feel more immature and less controlled i think, which causes me to Ye around so much more and make more jokes. It’s nice sometimes, but ultimately it goes both ways. Just a random thought I just had. Ye.

So that’s it for June. Like halfway through and it flew by I think. EVerything still super cool in this experience, did a lot of nice and accomplished decent nice. Commuting was indeed annoying but overall had nice music to listen to and nice sudoku in morning lol.

Part 31 here.



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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