My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 3)
May 2014: Boredom
Just some more car photos when I was bored. Also got pics of backyard and sunset one day. Don’t know why.
Also bored while taking a dump I guess so just took a picture of part of the sink. Nice throwback to having 2 sets of retainer and stuff.
Also got this pic in the math department in school. No idea what this is.
I also got a McDouble (what I thought was nice deal back then) with a fillet o fish, then heated up some house leftover noodles one day. That was pretty cool, big meal. Just a caloric bomb when I look at it today. RIP
DEA hike in May. Got a video of I think University of Guelph or something since I recall the destination ended there. Not sure overall though. Took a video of it (but here’s a pic). Think we got honked at when we were almost to the urbanish parking lot destination.
Also my almost completed unit tracker in grade 9. I guess all I had left was english and band. I guess I looked through it a lot in high school since I was task oriented and doing more units looks nice.
Also I randomly take a bunch of pics when lying on my bed so here’s one of it. Basically put almost all my trophies on this shelf thing and taped on all my cross country track ribbons from elementary school lol. Most of these are just paid participation ones lol. The Chinese school ones are just a bit of effort but I still consider them participation. Basically really empty accomplishments but reinforced my working and studying habits. Also the cube collection was on the third layer. Not bad, looks cool. Thinking back, I gave quite a bit of these away to my friends when they were interested a bit in cubing. Whoops don’t think they are anymore lol. Also the walls were super filled with posters and stuff. Not much meaning these days I guess.
Random edited coffee table photo of shengshou pyraminx/megaminx and moyu weilong. another random pic. also nice geronimo stilton hardcover.
Okay gym trip in May. Extra edited photos on bus of Cian. Remembered using the headphone splitter and listening to songs with Stephen lol (I recall YG’s 2013 hit oops). Yeah not much.
Felix let me borrow (basically ‘give’ at this point) his table tennis racket which is nicer since its not pipped sponge (but shorter handle cuz penhold rip), and I guess I used it. Also the right pic is a typical Friday night after table tennis at community center. Nice memory of waiting for dad to pick me up. Nicer cause longer days since almost Summer.
Also had to take pics of receipts since I was in charge of food for the DEA mentioned previously. Not bad I guess, the typical empty energy that’s good for short term trips.
Random fruit thing that I was experimenting camera app filters again. Had lots of mangos except I guess I didn’t like eating mangos back then for some reason (too lazy) so I don’t remember eating those.
Next had a bunch of random cyanide and happiness memes comic strips that I saved. Also somehow saved a pic of the dancing in the grade 8 grad trip thing. Also saved this for some reason:
Then I did this random 40 second clip (pic above) of me just practicing backhand serve. Most of the time was just me running to pick up the ball lol. Also a nice throwback to how trash I was when starting.
I guess I was bored in the basement one day so I was also watching sportsnet radio. Also took a pic of some rackets on the mini mini pool table lol.
To end off May, just have some random Google Maps pictures of how to get to somewhere near Milliken Mills for some reason and a Doge pick. and I guess I took a pic when bored in the restroom in the house.
June 2014: End of the freshman year
Start of June… took a pic of the unit tracker. I think this is right before I ripped it in the library. No idea why but yeah, it’s trash. I think to make sure not to get worked up over this trasheon. Also nice to think about how I used to do my work in the library of school lol. Didn’t use it in grade 11/12 and grades went up. Nice. Also took a pic of 6x6 in room, with other nice cubes in background. Shoutout to the Rubik’s brand 2x2x4. Nice to solve but overall broke just like Rubik’s brand stuff cause I’m a non-casual. Also right pic was just snack one day after school. Probably lunch leftovers with instant noodle spicy powder thing. I sure love my empty carbs!!!!
Random phone screenshot of stopwatch for some reason. Also got up to 32k for 2048 lol. Played this a lot in nursing home when bored visiting. Nice undo button.
Also got a screenshot of the S5 background. I guess I was trying to get nice launchers and make my trasheon phone be nicer since it was not that nice, and we’re not even 1 year into owning it! Also screenshot random meme of demar choking game 7 against Brooklyn Nets. Maybe starting to randomly hate raptors for no reason at this point.
Also random day. Had perogies, sushi, tim hortons lemonade/donut, and broccoli for snack after school. Nice hybrid between leftovers and purchased food. Trash nutrition overall though lol. Also took pic of kitchen floor and table cause bored?
Took pic of these nice cars after Chako, after amazing race thing for scouts when I was volunteering. idk why, other ppl there were taking pics too lol.
Had a few pics of victor, daniel, and philip for some reason.
Random pic in the birchmount huntingwood plaza bored I guess when picking up takeout/newspaper?
Random screenshot of screen details? No idea why. Also got filter pic of pyraminx megaminx and fangshi illusion. Gee, I liked taking pics of my puzzles back then.
Think from here out, grade 9 ended.
Nice world cup started and took a phone photo of this for some reason. Nice Messi argentina game? Also no idea why I was still taking screenshots of battery of my phone. I guess to show that my phone reached 10% in just over 2 days?
Oreo in Canada edition. I think they produced this cause 2014 Olympics and I guess I took a pic cause this was the last one? Not sure if Oreo tradition started yet. Basically I recall majority of my grade 10 days, I would have an Oreo after fruit (which I would peel/make?) before I shower/sleep? Barely remember. Middle pic is outside nursing/retirement home when I was bored. Rightmost is a screenshot of vid which I thought was nice in grade 9. Basically a kid showing how to make a rap song with jokes lyrics. Not that nice imo thse days. Oh yeah the main theme was ‘deal with it’. Maybe that’s why it’s jokes
Ok so this begins the trip to California. Got to my cousin’s house and took a pic; mostly kid stuff cause their son and stuff. I think I took this pic outside
Also took a panorama of Uncle’s house washroom. The room we stayed in was nice. Ye.
This concludes part 3. Part 4 found here.