My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 25)
May 2017: Fails, Rejections, but nice
So I think I started out this month with goodlife half marathon. Very nice personal best of 1:31:xx. Kind of wanted sub 1:30 but whatever. Pretty nice overall.
Nice red lobster fish and Ye for May 2 nice. Also nice quote I think.
Took a photo of floor times and stuff not sure why, maybe for app or something? Whatever it was, it was like useless lol. This was on May 10.
I think this week was the art show. s/o to martin/victor for helping with spray painting nice pokebox signs and stuff. I created a bunch of new boxes and used a lot of nice cards lol. Basically trying to get rid of a lot of Pokemon stuff. But yeah ended up selling not too much in terms of moneys lol. RIP. But overall cool experience. Got to be in the art show market ye lol. Overall nice with Martin.
Nice lunch with parents I think. Curry chicken at chinese place Ye. On Saturday; across from that was nice sportchek lol. Also I think I found out i got rejected from software engineering; well deferred to computer engineering rip. I don’t like physics and Ye, so I probably won’t go? I also got accepted to computer science which was really nice. Cool stuff. Got destroyed in McMaster cause didn’t write english experience and Ye lol. So health sci destruction and the integrated biomedical ye they let me in. Kind of destruction and salty at myself for doing this big rip. Yeah so that’s that. Only had a few weeks left to make my final choice. Forgot what I chose, but I ended up choosing waterloo CS. Nice cause co-op job and stuff. I thought it was nicer than engineering cause no physics and mandatory and nice flexibility. Very high reputation and Ye, and nice experience living alone. Didn’t feel like destruction commuting Ye. Money and Ye. turned out fine today i guess.
Yeah so Monday may 15 was screenshots of spell and trap card meme, a bit offensive and stuff idk.
Wednesday was another nice picture of running.
Then it was nice Victoria Day long weekend. Think I was still running nice and dragonboat practice nice, but didn’t take much photos. Ye it was nice cause cousins came over weekend.
Very nice morning food stuff, and boba boy bubble tea cool container Ye and looks nice, and very nice chinese dinner stuff. Nutrition ye, but still very nice and cool.
Ye birthday presents; cool colorable box stuff lol. Then on the friday after was nice birthday party and party stuff. Cool lots of photos I think. Lots of cool Ye. Yeah ended up Ye the first time outside home which was ok I think. didn’t stay over. I think next day was nice waterloo day thing where went with victor and Ye’d around the event thing which was ok.
Nice fidget spinner meme thing cause was the trend back then; on may 30.
Then that’s it for May. It was pretty nice overall. Lots of rejections, but ok in sports, and did a lot of nice. Almost the end of the school year; did a lot of early exams. Ye nice guardians of galaxy 2 after chemistry early exam I think. Also nice that I didn’t study too much but still nice? Overall cool month.
June 2017: Graduation and My First Job
Ye so final month of high school. Lots of nice i guess.
Nice Jordan Hasay ig quote thing lol June 2. Next day was nice rocket physics project with nice group. Super cool stuff.
Nice RAF and NASA Ye.
Ye super nice pizza and drinks later in the night. Next day was Ye dragonboat thing lol. Pretty cool. Oh yeah the video left above was the submission of the large physics rocket project.
Overall cool project although ours didn’t fly too high. But still nice looks.
Got nice on Friday. Last day of school I think. Nice photos of biology notes I think lol. Maybe sent it to others? Ye destruction stuff. random quote that’s nice i guess. Then athletic banquet Ye and got runner up athlete of the year. Basically a bit short of my goal I declared to like a year ago. But given the two instances of shin Ye over the last year, still pretty nice overall. Very cool.
Then exams for english and physics. Destruction basically lol barely studied and stuff. Then the final dragonboat thing which was nice I think. And also went back to st henry for their bbq thing. Got a few fidget spinners and some other nice here and there. Was starting to play a lot of clash royale after seeing my friends play for months and months and seemed nice.
Basically the final weekend of the month. Got Vomero 12’s to upgrade since the saucony Ye that I got november (didn’t run too much in it tbh) is not as nice. So now I guess I have two ok shoes in my rotation. Started taking driving lessons again since I want to get G2 by the end of the summer. Also Korean nice.
Graduated which was ok. Got few random award stuff.
Prom was nice got quite a few nice Ye. Food as alright though. Lots of fries and stuff. Then slept over at Ye for the night. Then next day was basically off to Ottawa for Canada 150.
So that’s basically the month. Too lazy to talk too much details these days. But started my first day of McDonald’s training stuff day before graduation which was cool I guess. Exercised a bit still. Got nice end to grade 12 I guess. Yeah, next stop university. Felt nice that high school was over I guess?
Part 26 here.