My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 21)
September 2016: Nervous, Pressure, University
So yeah school year about to start. Played so much alpha sapphire like days before/during start.
Went to nice Ye’s house like weekend before it started, nice cable tie Ye where we tried to break free from it video. Also got 2 nice quotes during first wednesday of school year. Not bad nice Ye’s i’ll say like 5.1/10. Overall nice especially what I want to accomplish during this school year.
Finished AS in like a few days, then started training some nice Pokemon and some random online Ye with it. So many nice legendaries and other Ye’s.
On second week of scheduled classes, nice ping pong physics Ye thing so I took a photo of it.
Third week of school got nice quote thing and sunglasses thing.
Quote is nice not to waste time and Ye. Like a 7.1/10. pretty nice. oh yeah also joined cross country team. Pretty cool lol. Don’t think I’ll be getting nice results this year cause summer got super duper duper destructioned rippppp. Wanted ofsaa pretty badly lool.
It was cool. Team was not too big, kind of Ye overall. I’m not the best, but still pretty nice from last year of foundation and other Ye. Also I ran in mostly the reebok and energy boost during this time (vomero’s should’ve been the move rip). Nice experience from practices, first team that’s not table tennis that I joined. First meet was alright, Ye took selfies on my phone since I had other people take warm up pants away lol. Oh yeah, first time missing entire school day after showing up every school day last school year pretty op. And that was it for September photos and stuff.
Oh yeah forgot about going to university fair again. not much different, just more attentive about university stuff and details than last year since actual decision is made soon…
Overall it was nice. I think I was getting a bit ahead of ics, nice chainsmokers Ye. I was almost fully better from shin Ye and fitness starting to shape nicely I guess. Other courses was pretty nice, not bad. Very enjoyable overall. Though pressure, marks were alright iirc so far.
October 2016: Lots of Running.
Very nice month in this school year. First got nice birthday Ye; like 16 miles of nice after school, then random bday pic with biology lol. I was kind of enjoying biology iirc, cool learning stuff.
Also chemistry nice iirc; nice learning about new stuff and organic Ye iirc. Day after birthday there was xc practice and hills stuff iirc, which was slightly Ye since long run day before, but overall solid. Then PA day after which dad drove Ye’s and I to waterloo for another tour and Ye. Nice visit to e5 and e7 lol. subway for lunch I think at the plaza. Overall pretty cool day I guess. I also switched ambitions to software engineering I think. Not taking TEJ this year cause lazy and Ye jokes. and i guess i liked software more. So yeah.
Then afterwards was thanksgiving weekend. Cousin was in markham for nice badminton Ye, but got gift from him which was nice. Got a nice compression long sleeve shirt lol. Went on like a nice 6 mile Ye afterwards I think.
Also did a nice 3x(OG loop) the next morning? With the second one at like tempo pace. Really cool. Then ate a lot for thanksgiving dinner. Ye so nice. Don’t remember what else happened on the shortened school week after, but got nice for weekend.
STWM half marathon for me which was hype. Few years ago this fell on same day as cn tower stair climb, and I would never imagine myself doing these road races. But ever since may, I realized this was so nice, especially the feeling of racing and running on the roads. Super motivated, and ran a lot since last time.
Dad went with me and got so much nice!
Ye finished at city hall and got nice pics. PR with like 1:35, 10 min better than last time (Ye should be, given my 41 min 10k time in May after my first marathon). Still not the best though. like second portions of race running like 40ish seconds per km faster lol. Way too conservative these races. Need to know my limits still…….
Ye super sore on monday when i got back; xc coach gave me Ye shoutout for my Ye performance and Ye on Sunday…uuhhhh now everyone knows I run and Ye? Also wore tights underneath uniform pants cause Ye sore.
Got back to running on Tuesday since next random boardwalk race thing on Friday. Felt ok. A bit Ye lower legs.
McMaster Ye on Thursday for physics trip. Not too nice overall tbh. Got pizza with friends. Also got this really nice quote similar to one from last month. Still like a 6.2/10. Pretty nice to spend time wisely. It was ok. This was one of my choices as it was pretty nice for STEM for university. One of the backups?
Destruction long bus ride back though. Also other greenquest stuff since i joined this club, so had to purchase a few things as well afterwards at walmart. Overall Ye. just Ye. The boardwalk relay thing happened on friday and it went alright. 2.5km legs. anchor leg Ye’d lol. Not bad though
Got this random quote on the next week. Pretty nice overall lol not bad.
Yeah it was also a random university fair thing in our school which was ok. I also took lots of college brochures and stuff lol. It was pretty nice, I was interested in journalism cause I liked writing random short stories and Ye. Joined pen and paper club in school …… Ye. Also in DECA, and written exam is in a few days……… Ye. Kind of robotic like last year but slightly more meaningful and big clubs lol. One year flicks in many many clubs lol. Not super meaningful.
Yeah so after the university thing in our school was graduation meeting thing, which not a big deal tbh. Then next day was city meet for xc. 7k Ye with big hill Ye. Got destroyed but at least I ran under 4min/km average which was alright given I never really timed such a short distance run before. No ofsaa or anything lol rip. So many what ifs given my summer, but it’s all good, w/e.
Weekend random Skype screenshot of someone about shoes and random Ye. Just saved it was a receipt just in case? not a big deal anymore.
Then monday was halloween. Wore my smartwatch (usually g shock since i’m used to it since grade 9, nice watch really holds up!) since my phone mostly not in pocket to get notifications……. cause I wore a costume this year that was more complex than just random black clothing and Ye last year. I recall it’s a random vampire thing (female something size so kinda Ye on me) dress thing. With random mask and red sports tights and other random stuff which reminds me of grade 8 a bit. Something cringe but pretty flashy I think. w/e still decent. DECA written exam that day. idc about it cause idk. so didn’t do well. idc.
So that’s it for october. Working on my isp I think still in progress (big english project!!!!!!) books are the carli lloyd and scott jurek Ye super sports Ye. Other courses were fine, I think calculus is the perfect mark it needs to be and other sciences are high 90s. As usual like last year, mostly in school was for consultations and Yeing around, while home was homework? i don’t remember. But overall, it was pretty fun. Lots of nice running. I think the unit deadline for report cards was over, so we’ll be getting them next month.
Part 22 here.