My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 2)

Stanley Wongus
6 min readJul 13, 2020


Part 1

December 2013: The Bubble

Had some random photos of Facebook posts for some reason. Also the InsPirE project videos with the super windy audio was here. Jokes throwback. Not here since there’s other people on them.


Pretty much didn’t take any photos until the Christmas Disney vacation. It was fire.

Animal Kingdom

I did not take a lot of photos lol. These were pretty much it. Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, etc was lit. Food was lit.


This was the huge ice storm year that we arrived to on the 23rd or 24th from Florida. I remember that there were some twisty puzzles that came in as well. So got a few nice puzzles (Fangshi, 3x3x5, Weilong).


Christmas overall was fun I think, as usual. Don’t remember too much from it tbh.

January 2014: Photoshop

The late 2010s had me using bare photo/video editing tools (Photoshop, Premiere, iMovie, Paint). It all might have started here. Maybe not. Maybe just gave me a rough foundation of skills.

Iguana Shark

I was trash, but TIJ-101 taught me some skills in stuff. Photoshop. Illustrator. Movie Maker. Not much, but exposed me too some creativity.

February 2014: MDM-2D1

Was able to fast track and finish MPM-1D1 in January. Did not put too much effort and still pulled a 91. Light work. MPM-2D1 was a faster fast track.

Systems of Equations

It was a decent start, though I got my first ever high school math 70 in the Unit 4 test. So after that I started studying for grade 10 math tests and doing practice. Strung together like 9 straight 100s after lol.

Why did I like collecting these back then

Also was a bit ahead in science and unit 14 was like renewable energy stuff. Ended up doing some solar power tower stuff with classmate. Used random fiber optic stuff and magnet stick stuff. Also used a lot of my cube boxes to make the tower lol. Good times.

Population Growth rate 2014

Also took this photo of growth rate for CGC1D1. That course was pretty nice and easy too.

Disclaimer: I may claim almost everything I did back then was easy when it was probably not. I probably forgot about the grind and all.

March 2014: Sub 13

12.77 Average of 12

Not much happened in terms of photos this month. Was able to finally get a 12.xx average of 12 on the 3x3. Think I did it on the Weilong. Think I was listening to some music as well. Big if true since I started *actually* listening to ‘real’ music towards the end of grade 9.

BestCo parking lot

Also another random car photo.

April 2014: The Start of Something Special

Bunch of random doge screenshots for some reason.


Also started using different launchers and app icon packs on my phone now. Starting to realize how OP Android was compared to iPhones.

Aviate was nice

Also got a 6x6 and megaminx (both Shengshou) a few months ago, and I guess I decided to start using filters again.

Left to right: Shengshou 4x4v4; Shengshou 6x6; Shengshou Megaminx; Fangshi Shuang Ren 54.6mm

Also family ‘vacation’ to Niagara Falls during Easter weekend or something. Think I recall seeing Damian Lillard’s game 6 game-winner on Houston cause it was a 2014 playoffs. Still a Lebron hater at this point.

First of many panoramas

Mostly remember playing Temple Run 2 on iPad as well during this trip. And maybe starting to listen to some more musics?

Nature. Niagara Falls. Yeah.

Also started using the panorama feature on the phone a lot, despite a relatively garbage camera. I also had a very messy room back then.

A lot of (paid) participation trophies in the background

I’d pretty much tape up every little thing I got on the wall, from birthday cards to random certificates and poster-related homework assignments.

It was also the NHL Playoffs during this time period. Back then I was invested a lot into hockey, but now it seems like basketball has taken over.


This month was also the time I started playing Table Tennis. Joined this drop-in thing at the community center which was like once a week in the evening. I was straight garbage. But somehow I really wanted to improve in it.

Left: Pre table tennis snack. Right: random pipped paddle

I also liked ordering two McDoubles and putting them together for a nice burger meal. Back then McDonald’s was literally straight heat. So cool how I ended up working there a few years later. Also I liked doing magic and card tricks a lot back then (peep the rope device thing on the left image above).

top 5 game 2014

Also started doing 2048 when I was bored. Hit 4096 (and I think 20k something).

That’s it for April. Somehow took a lot of pics and screenshots. Cool.

Part 3 here.



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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