My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 19)

Stanley Wongus
6 min readAug 17, 2020


Part 18

June 2016 [part 2]: Chicago

So summer vacation thing this year was chicago tour lol. Ye nice. Especially now for first time i have lots of nice music on phone and nice earbuds and Ye. I think empire state of mind was something i listened to a lot.

So first day (sat jun 25) was nice. Panera bread for lunch op op. Then decent views I guess. Went to this mall in chicago and got this vegan thing. Yeah watching lots of videos lately on running and stuff, and starting to learn about vegan and Ye. Pretty cool, I really enjoyed this meal somehow. Nice falafel stuff and rice pudding. Bottled water. Damn pretty jokes how much i changed in terms of vacation food and stuff i ate and stuff. though I’m still not fully always like this cause temptations too OP, cool to see how i have changed. I remember like jan 2 after ymca I got mcdonalds (and taylor swift calendar). Ye. Ye also got new sunglasses here cause the walmart ones were being destruction last few months; also I guess parents said US can be cheaper and other ye lol. Ended up getting oakley flak 2.0 polarized for like 180 rip. not really much cheaper but I really wanted the nice lol. it’s really good though. also lots of window shopping at like foot locker and finish line and other Ye stores.

Sunday was nice!!!! got a pic of the bean lol. Also went up nice tower. not sure what it was but I think willis tower? sears tower? idk but it was nice leaning windows. Skyline was so nice and op business buildings lol. nice datadog and citadel somewhere there lol (seeing this in 2020 lol). Also took panorama, first time in a long time! Throwback to few years ago lol.

Ye more pics so nice. lake michigan op. roads op. so many buildings op. Nice views.

Ye so many buildings. Very impressive. Damn I got a lot of photos lol.

Ye also went on the waterfront boat tour thing? Ye nice buildings on view. Also trump tower lol damn i was jokes back then rebel Ye and Ye so trump nicer? Nah still 2016 destruction. But Ye that was a big tower.

Also went to aquarium/ science place (I forgot where I got the nice fish pics).

But nvm it was nice aquarium. Got some nice view pics of skyline.

Oh yeah went to super duper nice shake shack for lunch downtown. Then got to walk around to so much nice like nike store and under armour. Though I was mostly dressed in 10 year old clothes during this trip lol in sports shorts and dri fit shirt (even elite shorts i got last year). damn destruction kind of. was also wearing energy boost the whole time i think.

Went to macy’s first time as well I think? might’ve gone in cali. but got nice singlet adidas thing in the adidas store there it was ok price and sale. One of the more light revealing ones large cutouts. Ye overall pretty nice shopping and stuff, though barely bought anything. Ye materialistic especially over apparel and sports stuff.

Got back to somewhere and got quesedilla for dinner (2nd to right pic). i think it was nice? Then got nice sunset view from hotel room.

Monday was museum stuff science and cool nice. Saw fetus Ye which i took quite a few pic of lol i think it was fake.

This random psychology test thing related to sports and Ye lol. Also this hamster wheel running thing lol. and this model human of all veins?

Also this super cool thing of where you need to focus then the ball pushes to opponent side super cool to do. whoever is most calm wins?

Nice lego city thing of chicago I think. super nice.

Ye some other nice landscape lego or model stuff. cool.

Ye so it was a nice museum thing. I think on the way back we pass by this Ye in michigan near a casino or something which was our hotel something. Ye don’t remember much. Decent dinner of salad and roast beef/steak thing? There was this random arcade thing that my sister and I did some of and got some random cheap prizes at the end lol.

So that was all the photos of the trip. Pretty nice really cool lots of pics. Did some treadmill running/lifting at the hotels if i had time which was nice. Lots of nice food and exploring stuff.

So now that’s over, still got a few more days left in June. Started off day after got back (monday) that I ran a bit like 8ish miles passing the school where it was graduation on that day? idk i think left shin started to hurt and more bothersome these days. i think i also tried out the new shades on this run?

Was bored wednesday june 29 and messed around making random website blog thing to sell all my unit work and stuff lol jokes. wasn’t serious but was so bored. Ye also donald trump captain america crop thing rippppppp on my mhf 4u stuff. yeah.

Got this ok nice quote on the last day of june idk. cool about dreams and stuff.

And that is all for June. A super busy month with lots of high volume running and not as much recovery relative to earlier this year; finishing up school with nice exams lol and vacation tour. Starting to think my body was overworking in running during this time cause destruction. But overall nice. Very cool month overall. Eclass starts next month. Ye. nice. I’ll end it here cause don’t want to make super long reads lol.

Part 20 here.



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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