My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 18)
May 2016: The beginning and The end
Did not get too many pics this month (probably deleted cause I did soooo much stuff). But will briefly go over important events.
Right off the bat was goodlife half marathon. First running event. Went out super conservatively, have not really ran 13.1 miles since christmas break jokes stuff. Very big negative split cause of that and finished like 1:45. Nice, especially pretty cool and wet.
The next day was biology test which was slightly destruction lol. Then I was studying for chemistry early exam on Friday. I think I took like 1 or 2 days of break cause pretty sore, then I got in decent medium runs (and a 10k on Thursday) later in the week before nothing for the 2 days before race (the strat back then lol). Also think I saw bill on thursday when running and he got hit when he was biking by truck on friday rip. Ye so Friday was nice chemistry exam, think I got 92 on it so I finished with a 94? I don’t really remember but given how I was destruction beginning of year in chemistry, I was kind of happy for the mark lol. Apparently grade 12 is harder though based off of consultations and observations, which makes me a bit hype lol.
So watched civil war in theatres after that. Super duper nice movie! So nice. So motivational man. (nice to know I don’t have bunch of quotes last few months lol spam).
Then on Saturday worked on English stuff I think related to kylie jenner satire ad thing that I edited with MS Paint lol jokes. Then Sunday was finally sporting life 10k. I actually wore more layers of clothes even in better conditions compared to last week lol jokes. But it went very solid like a 41 min nice. So much fun and stuff. I guess as a yung boi i should stick to shorter events and develop speed. But 1iq me does not like that spoiler alert. rip. whatever i don’t mind that much anymore. So 2 races in 2 weeks. First two road running events. It felt so good. I wanted to take part of these more in the future, so pretty motivated.
So yeah I think I did not take much breaks? Went running day after? idk did usual 4 mile Ye a few times on little rest iirc. Will come back and bite me I think. Then had quest unit for tej and I knew i should do some nice on raspberry pi.
So nice twitter api package thing for python, and I ended up making a twitter bot thing which was super cool, with randomized RIP messages satire and ye.
Ye, nice bot runs on low power computer Ye for every like hour it just automate cron job Ye. Took this pic may 13 friday.
I also think it is the raptors playoffs so I had random fb page that I made posting miami heat stuff second round lol. I hated raptors back then. So I also wrote a speech saying why school should ban the toronto raptors lol. Ye.
May 14 was my sister food and nutrition unit Ye so she made dinner and stuff. Basically grilled chicken nice and nice sushi and miso soup. Ye always nice japanese Ye in house.
Then next school week ran like 9–11km monday-thurs. Damn that is quite a jump, quite a lot. too much too quickly? probably. also dea hike thing this weekend idek why I even signed up for such solitude and destruction.
Got this decent quote on Friday, day before long weekend. It was cool and nice to know, like 4.9/10, stuff to help me put more effort.
Then it was the hike thing. I think it was 1 night 2 days? I think it was so destruction on last day cause allergy stuff my eyes got so red and destruction. So bad.
pics from saturday pretty cool?
Sunday pretty cool too? idk that was my last hike of my life for now.
Then next week was bunch of early exams. ics and biology iirc. It was nice since not that bad. Also my raptors jokes speech on friday I think. did not prepare to make it nice enough but still decent lol. Was hovering low 90s which was really nice (but worst course overall so not that satisfied at the time). I remember also bringing a salad for snack that day (liturgy half day Ye) which adrian called air cause no dressing or stuff. I thought it was cool air analogy jokes which I still think of to this day. Then Ye stuff, and after liturgy friends and stuff went to chako for nice lunch (also wrote a story journal thing about this day and shared to friends and ms chan lol nice jokes).
Took lots of nice pics and went to nathans house later. Overall very nice time. (I think also did stuff related to victor and trisha birthday?) Yeah kind of sad this is like almost the end of school year. It went so nice, a few ups and downs but overall it made me believe that I can get nice average lol. and exercise was more than I could ever imagine.
I think treadmill run afterwards got home, felt bad cause ayce bbq Ye earlier lol. Also watched xmen apocalypse next day which was alright? Kind of nice? But no reason I just jumped rope and bunch of other Ye at backyard later for exercise (I think I already went to ymca before movie?) and did so much reps and I think destruction to shin. not sure but remember something Ye’d up that day a bit.
Ye but overall nice month. Think I finished biology with 92 and ics 98. Overall stuff was pretty nice and had lots of fun. 2 exams left, pretty much done everything, and started to love running even more (nicer than gym and fitness stuff). So nice. I think I still practiced table tennis a bit which was nice, since I had big goals next year. Not too many photos anymore, and this is only a small summary of the OP May that happened.
June 2016 [part 1]: The Peak of high school? (and overwork)
So nice month to remember as well. Started off with last day and week of actual school before exams and Ye. It was nice. Thursday ran like 16+ miles (highway 7 route thing still destruction so 16th ave ripppp) without water or anything and got super destroyed, but kind of super fun still. Then Friday was athletic banquet stuff, which I ran like 6.5 miles beforehand lol (rip recovery from yesterday lol). Jokes that I only joined 2 teams so far in 3 years of high school (table tennis gr10/11). Got another table tennis award, this time mvp which was pretty much already given. tbh I didn’t feel like table tennis was nice enough sport to warrant anything relatively speaking even though I practiced hundreds of hours for the last year. idk, implicitly I felt destroyed overall. No idea why I showed up. everything seemed useless. (forgot to mention that jokes tried out for badminton in december, also got wrecked by nathan lol but it was jokes, never intended anything).
So in the car on the way home, told dad and sister that I will get senior athlete of the year next year. I guess the plan was to overestimate myself in xc/tf, and maybe join one other sport thing, and also do nice in table tennis to give myself a good shot. Seems way to far fetched and like a dream, seeing how I was literally almost at the bottom at the moment. Except for the fact that I exercised a lot, but not on any team taking advantage of it yet…
spoiler alert, came close, but didn’t accomplish it.
Did English exam, was a bit destruction (2 essays iirc), then ate some oranges and protein bar on the way back, then did 13 miles then had lunch lol. I remember slightly hot weather and starving lol. Also started watching running youtube channels. and stretching stuff? Then math exam next monday, which I did. Then on the afternoon, ran the same ~3 mile route that I started on the first day of school. Man much nostalgia can’t believe I actually was able to keep up running for the year, nonetheless still working out on weekends, practicing table tennis, and even doing road races.
Though was a bit sad that school was like ended.
Got this quote wednesday june 15, week of math exam. 7/10 very nice and relatable at the time. damn. good memories. finished math with either 100 or 101 lol so jokes. finished english with 92. Overall was very cool and nice. Couldn’t believe that I cried about unit 1 math lol how far have I come. damn. but also some tests and stuff were jokes. can i say it was inflation? idk. but obviously not the nicest 100.
So finally got another pic on monday, I guess decided to bring phone with me for once (started phoneless running a few months ago lol. bless for no destruction).
Friday friends came over for some table tennis and other nice Ye. This was like right before leaving for short chicago tour thing with family. Overall this was nice. I think also ran like 12–13 miles this day. Damn a lot of running basically this month so far. Far runs!
Oh yeah forgot to mention week before watched nice finding dory with jason kent and other Ye. (day after english exam). Did speedwork in the morning????? like tempo stuff like low 6 minute per mile pace…on day after long run???? 1iq boneheaded moves by me in terms of running again…. also i think new rental neighbors moved in too; scottish nice stuff.
So that’s it. for this part of june. School year has ended. averaged like mid-high 90s for most part? Overall very cool very nice. Did lots of things with friends, did so much stuff that went above and beyond all my dreams lol. watched nice movies, lots and lots of fun. Sad to end. Seemed like the peak of my life tbh lol. running a lot was cool. Man i wish I can put every little nice detail, but that would be like ages to write and stuff. Maybe it’s in my year end reflection. idk. w/e. Ye.
Part 19 found here.