My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 15)
December 2015: So Much Fun
This was a very nice month throughout. Usually December is because of Christmas and how nice it is.
Not sure what happened on weekend and Monday (reach for the top?), but no running on Tuesday cause debating? But screenshot this lyrics Ye from furious 7 soundtrack. Ye genius app. the song Payback was kind of nice, it was the kevin gates verse which was kind of nice. Learned about it since one of the english assignments I used some Ye from a song in Furious 7, then stumbled across this nice. So listened to that a bunch throughout end of 2015 and such. Nice.
Back to nice weather running wednesday.
Ladybug project motor thing for TEJ. Yeah basically I finished the basic circuit and stuff like that. It was nice moving Ye with the antenna for bump detection. Overall hard part was the gasket Ye for legs; have to make sure everything going straight and turns nicely. Also got in a run.
First sub 9 solve I think on friday (december 4). It was nice since I think Friday so I can chill a bit, so I cubed. 55mm zhanchi I guess. Guess I was motivated from mediocre results from first rubiks cube competition a few weeks ago.
Not sure what happened on the weekend, I assume it was the usual Ye and YMCA gym stuff. Monday was reach for the top? But Tuesday was nice where I got to finish the ladybug Ye. I decided to make a bowser mario cart nice out of it. So I added horns on the shell part, added rainbow Ye shooting out the back with some lego Ye and construction paper for rainbow nice. Also nice cloudy run I guess.
Skipped Wednesday idk why, but another cloudy run on thursday.
Ye this was Friday. I think it was buying gifts for nice. Good memories of getting stuff overall. Bunch of free stuff (not sure i don’t remember), some random scraps of Ye, and some cheap but cool Ye mostly. A lot of stuff, but cool and fun to do since I like trolling and Yeing around.
Also got a nice quote about successful people in general? It’s ok I guess; I read it a few times like 2.7/10. Still slightly nice.
Ye so Saturday finished gifts and Ye for teachers and friends stuff. It was nice overall. Added dime in ring for teachers stuff along with robotic chocolate and Ye. Fun nice.
Monday and Tuesday mostly overcast runs. Still nice; getting a bit cold I think? I have to use the UA beanie thing hat for running most of the time these days I think? Also finished cue card dime in ring instruction thing Ye?
Also I assume no clubs this week cause monday and Tuesday nice. Overall this was nice week since final week before christmas.
Spammed extra photos on Wednesday? But looks like either icy (probably not) or rain dried up cloudy nice run. Also got nice quote about talent and hard work? IDK if rdj said it, but his photo is there. It was pretty nice tbh like 5.1/10. It’s cool; read it quite a few times. Applicable.
Thursday was TA outing. Uh what did we do? I think it was some random Ye lunch? I forgot lol. Probably indoor stuff cause I remember doing some additional market village pmall shopping cheap Ye.
Friday was nicer though. It was half day assembly Ye, so later went out with friends and Ye for sushi and yamamoto nice near the school. Secret santa and gift Ye nice. Nice lunch cause sushi usually nice stuff. Took a few photos and Ye. Got nice smartwatch samsung Ye from nick which was nice cause Samsung was nice back in high school lol.
Mostly YMCA and workout Ye on the weekend. Don’t really remember much.
Monday morning saw some random Ye while googling random stuff so decided to clear my head by running. Ended up going like 30km 16th ave Mccowan Ye. Supposed to be highway 7 but destruction construction on road. Very far run, also the day mom and sister went to cali for wedding Ye.
Worked out on Tuesday despite running so much. Ran a tiny bit and worked out Ye, then went to fairview and ended up getting compression shirt lol
Wednesday was nice and jokes. Ran over 20 miles in the morning all over the place to like everyone in groupchat’s house; just past without saying hi or anything Ye. Last 3 miles was like complete destruction for legs they just hit the wall and Ye, could barely move looool. But nice doing like 65km last 3 days jokes. Probably gonna take a super long break after. Overall didn’t get much work done first few days of break cause fun exercising and internet nice.
Thursday was Christmas eve and made nice tree. Cousins also arrived.
finished nice tree on Christmas day. Second year in a row making a tree out of paper and Ye.
Also nice gifts of books and knit Ye. Was doing tom clancy stuff for english novel study, so got a few more as gift Ye. Also filmed gift opening process lol.
Saturday was boxing day so the force awakens (maybe that was yesterday) in theatre which was nice to watch, as well as canada computers and markville parking destruction boxing day stuff. Successful going inside markville though.
Sunday was nice super spicy instant noodle challenge with felix. Super destruction at the time. Noodles were pretty tasty. But Ye.
Not sure what happened, but think cousins left. Monday and Wednesday got screenshots of nice quotes? They’re cool to look at once in a while for extra energy, but not super duper nicest. Still cool though.
Ye final photo of the year running. I think first time running in like over a week. December 31 Thursday. Overall last few days slacked a lot and watched clone wars and bunch of other star wars Ye? Yeah mom and sister came back. Got clothes and new 5x5 and wireless charger for my phone cause nice.
Bryce harper decent quote? And final photo of tree? Not sure why I took this new years eve. maybe before tree is taken down.
Overall that’s it for the year. Month was super duper cool (except last few days of super slacking lol). Lots of nice exercise as well as super duper runs which was too op for my level of running. Lots of nice Ye to do for Christmas and stuff. Nice food and hanging out with friends.
For the year, it was super changing. Started off not that nice, got better towards end of grade 10 with motivation for more exercising and ping pong stuff. Did meh on exams but super motivated cause of it (even though overall average was > 90) cause STEM stuff destruction. Then summer was exercising and so nice stuff. Really exercised a lot and fun stuff. Cruise was super nice and really cool experience especially right before important school year. School year started off nicely I guess though felt destruction at times since needed nice marks. But I kept roboting forwards with decent enough marks for super high MHF4U of near 100 and other subjects like mid to high 90s? Listened to soooo mucchhhh music which was so nice, and stuff I did with friends was super fun too. Started running, not sure when this would stop, but running almost every day nice. Accomplished my goals of CN Tower stair climb stuff so cool. Overall out of the woods music video new years eve on the last day of year nice. Lots of ups and downs but overall a parabola (that starts around the middle and ends really highhhhhhhhh).
Was excited for next year for sure. Didn’t have too many plans but being nice in school I guess. Cool.
Part 16 found here.