My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 13)

Stanley Wongus
8 min readAug 15, 2020


Part 12

October 2015: Physical activity is my life

So I think might be just one month per part for the next really long while. Because I have more recollections of these moments? Probably.

I was in quite a few clubs at school I think. Reach for the Top and debating = monday and tuesdays after school. Don’t have to recollect as much since I had a nice reflection journal document (over 30 pages lol) that I wrote at the end of the year so my memory was better then. Never mind, I won’t read it. A bit cringe, and this is meant to be separate. So this is just a summary with photos and stuff.

Monday and Tuesday Ye. Still ran every day

dana porter cube Ye

Yeah so visited waterloo with jason and Ye over this weekend. I guess my target was computer engineering? Ye. Also didn’t know my dad have masters of computer science from here lol. But yeah. it was my first time here. It was nice, but small town and solitude Ye. Also cousin from California came over and had dinner with him Midland Shepherd Ye place.

Ok, so reading back at some stuff, I may be putting too many details in this that is not related to the photos whatsoever. I have an entire reflection entry that I saved myself of grade 11 school year, and I can probably make more for future school years if needed, so from here on out, I will try to keep things more simple, and keep it mostly in context of the photos that I have.

October 4 day before my birthday. A sunday. Idk why i saved that meme

Nice birthday. Went on a run had nice ice cream cake, as usual.

Tuesday. Saved nice under armour quote/ad stuff? idk seems decently motivational, i’d give it 4.1/10. No idea if there was debate club today or not, or if I had started doing morning runs yet

October 7 and 8 above. Nice running days I guess. This is right before thanksgiving weekend which was DEA hike i think? Was Friday a PA Day? Not sure.

So Ye the above photos were from the Saturday for DEA hike. It was pretty nice I guess. Was able to hitch a short ride on a pickup truck when we ventured the wrong way.

Got some nice photos on this hike. Above was from Sunday. More Sunday below.

Ye so that was all Sunday above. Really cool that I still liked taking photos to a certain extent? Views were nice. I usually don’t like to think about scouts stuff anymore, though I guess I had many experiences that proved to be cool and / or useful. I guess this was one of them? I am still not sure how to feel about it despite not wanting to think about it much.

And yeah, this was from Monday. I guess this was a 2 night 3 day Ye. Ye with the ski lifts and stuff near the destination and stuff?

Took a day off Tuesday running since of the hike stuff. Back at it on Wednesday (above).

Nice John Wall thing that he posted. 7.4/10 I’d rate it. I have this running in my head quite a lot throughout that school year, as well as many other timees in the future, so it was a nice quote thing.

Ye also went on a run as usual Wednesday. Also some random Maria Sharapova and Lindsey Vonn motivational stuff? It was alright to look at, but not something I would memorize much. So like 3.8/10. Still ok quote stuff.

Friday run. Just finished raining I guess.

Saturday at bridlewood mall. A bit cloudy I guess, but the white buildings look nice. Also I guess I took Saturdays and Sundays off at the beginning of running. Looking back, it seemed like I naturally built up my mileage. Cool stuff.

Sunday at best buy. No idea why I took photo of Moto X and stuff lol, maybe cause price? Also a 50 cent meme thing, no idea why I have that photo as well.

Cool quote thing on Monday which made me think about maybe I should help other people out. 6/10 quote. However in high school there’s help-help, which might be too much lol. w/e, still helped some people sometimes, I hope.

Wednesday and Thursday above. Nice days I guess. I guess Monday and Tuesday was reach for the top and debating club. Basically part of my robotic life back then. Cool, but not really. Did it cause I was a robot trying to get extracurriculars to write in Ye.

Friday was nice. One week until halloween.

Also got some nice quotes on this day. Re-saved the carmelo anthony one (I don’t sync photos from old phone to new phone etc). Nice Russ one. Nice Pele one. Melo one I’d rate 9.3/10, just been so good and motivational. Russ is like 6.9/10. It’s nice and still pretty motivational but doesn’t hit hard enough. Pele one is Ye. It’s nice.

Went on a Saturday run for once. I think this is morning run? And I think slightly longer than usual, like 4 miles?

Got a few new screenshot motivational quotes as well. They were decent, not super impactful but still was nice for me to look at and give me a bit more energy.

Think I went on a Sunday walk? No idea what this photo is from or context.

I guess Monday was reach for the top tryouts again, so no running. But got this random under armour motivation thing, and also a bruh meme thing. It was alright, good to look at for some energy.

Tuesday was debating thing, but I think morning before school I saw a dead squirrel in front of our house on the street so took a pic of it. Also was googling something about a teacher and got some random obituary of another person? idk, back then I just googled teachers cause just curious about Ye sometimes.

Ye wednesday was a super rainy run. I think my first ever rainfall during run. And then after was scouts halloween party at Darren’s house where we watched a social network thingy I think it’s skyped base, for the horror movie thing. Unfriended? i forgot the name, but im a wimp so it was a bit destruction.

Thursday was usual run again. Got another quote thing. This one was alright, only applies in certain things in my life, but it was alright overall.

Friday was halloween for school. First time in high school dressing up actually. Didn’t really dress up, just wore black pants and black top and stuff and got a random black vampire cape thing and called it a costume. I think I had an eye appointment afterwards (20/20 result i assume), and then went on the run, since the sun was Yeing towards evening stuff.

Saturday was halloween. Nice sushi lunch all u can eat at ten ichi (closed down now?)

First time eating lots of stuff when running and Ye. Somehow even wrote down all the food I ate lol jokes.

Went on a nice evening run afterwards. However I was motivated to go far? Longest run to date — I think like 19ish km; stopped at woodside to rest/washroom?

Took photos when I was near STC lol. I think I also wore my tights this day cause slightly cool. Did not really celebrate halloween, but this was a decently solid run.

And yeah. Oops super long post. Hopefully I can mostly stay in focus later on. October was overall super awesome. My marks were alright I guess. I talk about that in my own reflection thingy so no need to put it here in public. Idk what else to talk about it without making this unnecessarily long when the point is just about the photos I took. My bad for the super detailed last few posts. Ye.

Part 14



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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