My (mid)Life Story — Through Phone Photos (Part 12)
September 2015: I don’t think I can get high 90s, what will I be doing in university (crying really hard)
Well before the school year started, there was still labor day weekend. Did some nice on the saturday at chris’ house. Ye I think we played some basketball and chilled and Ye. Fun time.
Then my cousins were over. Really cool and fun weekend.
Took screenshot of random trap card thing. Like so many of these meme screenshots were not even used lol but meant for responses and Ye.
Ye no regrets, ronaldo pissed, and natalie portman clapping. Barely used those ever lol, but whatever. I guess I was also enjoying the nice screenshot crop quick edit thing on the S6.
Lots of pairs also were picked!!!! Super cool long weekend before school started.
Ye and also cousins got me this really nice pencil case. You can zip and unzip the whole thing. Kind of a flexible gimmicky thing, but super nice. Used this in grade 11 and 12 like almost every day. So it was really nice. But again I carry like a pencil and pen in my pocket every time in school. But Ye, fits a lot of stuff in it.
Yeah so first day of school. Found out my class schedule and everything. MHF-4U1 advanced functions with mr evst again. Kind of a meme but yeah. Everyone else in class was grade 12 and stuff. Ye. So I was pretty alone and stressed and stuff. But overall, it was a ok first day of school i guess? Also had like chemistry and english I think. Nothing much really happened.
So after school. Well a question I had was how can I continue to work out without being able to go to ymca every day? I feel like basement stuff not nice enough. I wanted something semi intense. An idea was like taking bus to ymca at like 6 in the morning then going to school after. But not super feasible.
So I just tried to run. First actual pavement run in a long while. I think I put in quite a bit of effort since I had to walk when I approached like 3km. So destruction. Pretty hot day though. Kind of similar to going to Trisha or Nathan a few months back where it was walk/run. Kind of disappointed overall.
Decided to take two photos of the same building Ye to document and stuff? I am not sure. But most of my camera roll is made up of this building thing. Nice though. Not sure how long running would stick at that point. But still decent exercise to keep up my fitness.
Saw this really nice quote from bryce harper’s instagram so I screenshot it. Too op. Also yeah, I used instagram. Followed a bunch of usual Ye’s and random stuff. 0 followers. Still 0 to this day lol. Just like a personal account for stuff and Ye.
Yeah and yesterday (first day of school) I ran closer to dinner time. But I decided that maybe closer to when I get back home I should start running. Ye.
Honestly, don’t remember much from thursday/friday. But that’s the first week of school done. I think I documented week by week (through recollections at the end of the school year) about grade 11 since it was nice. So probably more details there than here. But yeah.
Yeah a bunch of photos that I still didn’t delete. A group thing for TEJ3M1 computer eng tech thing course. Yeah computer disassembly and reassembly stuff and learning basic parts. Ye.
Nice run. For the most part it was the ~4.5km loop thing mostly for the first month.
Ye a mario gotze ig screenshot probably. Somehow I needed all the motivation I can this year to get nice marks lol. Opened the gallery quite often to scroll through nice motivation? I guess I was a motivation machine this school year?
Not much Tuesday, still scheduled day. Run photo above. Yeah and I think national election happening hence the signs for Ye.
More computer stuff. I think this is the finished part.
Above from wednesday run. Clear skies. Ye.
I have no idea why I took screenshot of the detroitborg ipad mini benchmark stuff lol. No idea why i did not delete this. But w/e
Nice run photos to end of thursday and friday of week 2. Cool stuff.
Another nice quote I guess. Yeah I subscribed to this random Ye (subscribed and followed soooo much stuff back then. really messy inbox and everything). But nice quote i guess. looked at it a bit to help start homework maybe.
Yeah there was also this nice scouts table tennis thing at my table tennis club. So ansun got a few pics of me. Cool. I guess. Took L’s that day, but first time competed since taking lessons? not sure but Ye.
ye some random video of nothing, and a pic of the team names. think I just took pic for reference idk.
Went on my first sunday run. Yeah. Not sure distance, maybe I bumped it up to around 4 miles.
Went to national in the afternoon. found these tights!!!! my first pair of leggings!!!! Ye tried them on first. They were like 40 which was nice for brand name Ye at that time. These were for cold weather and such. Yeah peep the adidas socks and reebok shoes. Usual casual stuff. Also reebok sports shirt lol, wore that for so many years. Also the nice grey under armour fleece pants. Ye I liked wearing brand name sports stuff I guess. Got like everything on nice sale cause Ye.
idk but screenshotted this random Ye as well.
I can’t recall every day of the school year or week stuff. But yeah above images monday tuesday.
ye I think i screenshot this cause a verified person follows me on twitter. As stated earlier, I follow so much Ye. And this guy probably follows bare people back lol.
Maybe screenshotted this because for reference? lol shoutout to GRASP for physics and sph3u1. Nice course I guess…..
Nice run on wednesday. Took a random screenshot of gallery.
And also this Ye saved. Yeah basically I guess given the position I was at in grade 11, all I wanted is to be super successful and better than everyone and Ye? idk but all I needed was motivation to work hard cause I wanted to get into nice for university? Yeah.
Ye also this nice adidas quote thingy. I remember thinking of it for like every day for the next few months every time I’m on the road right before I hit home stretch as I go for my final sprint.
Also took random screenshots of unit for covalent and ionic bonding SCH-3U1. Ye. Edmodo stuff jokes lol throwback to using that education online platform thing.
Morning run on Thursday I think. Since it was the first week of non scheduled days, then it was oasis and camp robinhood stuff for grade 9. I think I was chilling with friends afterwards so I ran in the morning? Something like that.
Yeah first time waking up early and Ye. I recall that I didn’t get good sleep previous or current night? Downloaded temple run and bunch of old games like piano tiles to hopefully bore me to sleep. Also I think I went and got another phone case. Spigen case from fido I guess. Ye stuff.
Nice quote I saw on friday.
Ye friday run. Think didn’t do longer fridays yet.
Ye also got this nice quote thing as well. Damn. Yeah a loooottt of quotes this year.
Saturday was university fair. I didn’t really have any idea of what to do yet. I guess university of waterloo since dad went there and apparently it was really good for stem and stuff? Like engineering and stuff since I’m in TEJ and ICS right now and taking chem/physics so I guess it’s for me? Also coop job and stuff? No idea. Not sure what to ask aside from marks and stuff. Very confused and shy so I didn’t really ask much but just observed and Ye.
Morning run??? Not sure if it was that, or from after evening walk
Ye above images were from evening walk as I was a bit overwhelmed I think. Not sure. Needed time to visualize.
Yeah this page kind of intimidated me. i guess i was aiming for computer engineering due to Ye and Ye. Kind of interested I guess? Looks like I need above 95 for nice chance. Also some calendar reminders for fetty wap this week about single and album. I guess he was pretty hype for me back then… lol not really relevant anymore.
Yeah also on the Sunday nice morning run i think. 8km? I don’t remember anymore and I’m too lazy to check my old phone.
But yeah I guess I was working on unit 1 for advanced functions now and needed some help. That’s cause I remember crying really badly on this day. Haven’t cried this much in a while. I guess my future was so uncertain and that I was struggling on the very first unit, and I was not sure how I was going to get to the university program that I wanted to get into and stuff. Worried. Felt weak? idk honestly. But yeah a complete breakdown in my room. Damn. Like I had a super high average because I did not do any tests and only like a few assignments in total submitted. But damn. Yeah i guess i really needed motivation. I guess I also cried after looking at the quotes and stuff like that.
But yeah, so hard to explain, but cried a lot cause worried about school? Nice that it came in september and did not cry until I had 1iq at the end of grade 12 stuff. Cool. So yeah, finished the unit but was still stressed.
Ye so monday tuesday wednesday to end off the month. Looks like it rained at the end of the month. Established a routine of like the 4.5km loop right after school every day.
So yeah september was quite wild. I remember for some of the school days coming home from mom’s ride (Ye super lucky and Ye stuff) I was listening to demi lovato and nice summer Ye. Very good memories. I do not know if I was actually stressed, but I know the expectations I put onto myself. Still felt really good running, feels good exerting all my energy (well at least during the last stretch) and cancelling all negativity when running. Cool.
So yeah. First month of grade 11. Yeah I think I knew what I had to do. Cool stuff. Almost 16 and Ye.
Part 13 here.