Miracle Part 2??? Do I need one?

What is going on lmfao this is fun

Stanley Wongus
3 min readJul 11, 2024

I guess if I’m down bad, I have to write blog posts? Like this one from last year that somehow the prayers were answered (Mashallah?) https://zoywongus.medium.com/last-night-before-a-miracle-619351efa683


This time around, a bit similar. No high-pressure resolution — though it would be cool to keep running every day this year since it’s a leap year so no mickey mouse nonsense ;). Though I do have the SF marathon in like 2.5 weeks that I would LOVE to comfortably finish (should be sub 2:55 without too much effort iffff my legs aren’t trashed).

Buuuuuttttt I guess I love running with other people too much? Going from daily peace park loops earlier this year, and now I have been doing a bunch of other random runs… maybe not the best recovery?

Left shin has been off since pre-boston marathon in April…. it’s mid July now. It has gotten better post San Diego marathon in June. And things did look pretty good… like I had Boston-brooklyn(half)-vancouver(half)-denver-sandiego over the span of 8 weeks. Pretty intense, but all of them I completed nicely without any major pains! Like it all went away during race! Though some training runs in between a bit destruction.

I did think it would be a chill summer before marathon season in Oct/Nov (planning to run 5 or 6 ewwwwwwww bruhhh lmaooooo). Buuuuuut there were those track meet things which was cool! And doing races with other people (fleet feet/chb peeps) was super cool and fun too.

So 4 track meets later (3+today [100m race only — fail]), a backyard-ish ultra-ish, trail half marathon, and road 5k later, my shins seem like it’s falling apart. Plus minor knee pains (similar to sumer 2020 yikessss, but nowhere as bad yet hopefully). I don’t know how to feel, what to do. I felt like I didn’t go 100% most races — like the trail one with a laptop in backpack — just wanted to give it a good hard effort. But so many doubles. Not enough rest. Yeah. Probably did me in. Didn’t help that I ran 138 miles in a week, then followed it up with 100 (and with track meets sandwiching every wednesday…. bruh wtf am i doing)

So how can I get a miracle, when basically half my runs these days is with CHB? Last year, it was easy to isolate the FF runs (mostly just Tuesday though) from all the other ones. But this year, I got tuesday, thursday, friday, and more… So fun…. But can any of those runs miraculously cure me? Hard to tell. It’s like taking a once-a-week medicine 4 times in a week. At some point my body will be pushed to its absolute limits and that sort of cure won’t work anymore…

I love it?!

Haven’t been injured in the 2 years I have moved to Seattle. I mean ‘real’ injuries, not the other ones that have been cured by the Tuesday runs. So it will be cool to see if and when I take ‘time off’ of running, to see how life will be like. To see how different the morning routine will be. The last few months, I kind of hoped that the big injury would come. Would be interesting. And this is the perfect time too, just wasting money on the SF marathon. Will likely recover in time for the 5+ marathons in the Fall (and travel without much pain 😄)… though not sure.

Not sure how things will be tomorrow at the WildWestTrailColdBrewCrew morning run. Will just feel things out at slower pace I guess, if I can even run there on time. Oops sleep rip (why am I typing this when i need to be asleeeeep)

But one things for sure — I don’t regret anything — so many intense/easy/fun/long/blahhh runs over the last few months. So many new experiences whether alone or with friends etc. Niceeeeeeee. And pushed my body to its limit many times (though not ‘peak’ since I dont think my body has gotten proper rest for a looooong time). So I do hope that maybe I can get another FF Tuesday miracle… or a WWTBC one? Or will I really sit one out and end the run streak? At this point my body just… can’t? ughhhh plsss….. what will happen….. aaaaaaa



Stanley Wongus
Stanley Wongus

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