Day in July 9
Haven’t written since April. Ok so still running. Do not think I am getting destroyed, but starting to get slightly fatigued and stuff. Averaging mid 80s in mileage each week. A bit of speedwork, but don’t want to risk it with too high intensity. Though eventually hopefully I can be happy with lower mileage and more short nicer speedwork. Hopefully I can average 80s for the rest of the summer with increased quality on some speedwork runs. Then take a short break. Then focus on race specific stuff in the Fall, hopefully can do nice time trials or races. Though I would like to do a time trial (not really tapered) either July/August just to see fitness.
School is ok. 6 courses + PD, just aiming for a decent pass for all of them. Most worried about 486 project, 456 assignments — hopefully I don’t slack, and 309 — have to pass last midterm or else GG.
Hopefully I can enroll in 240L and find a good plan in the fall to get on campus.
Also have to start practicing driving soon — G exam in October lol.
Also starting cubing a lot again. Mostly doing 3BLD and 4x4. Ordered GTS2M and Aosu Worm to upgrade my current 3x3/4x4 mains, haven’t gotten nice cubes in a while. It will come in a few weeks. My goal for 3BLD is sub5 min overall, but eventually hopefully sub 3–4 min, though I am lacking motivation. My goal for 4x4 is sub 50 (best sub 45). It is going ok, made great progression thanks to Yau — getting many 40s these days and averaging low 50s once warmed up. Got a sub 40 PB solve (PLL parity) — something close to 30 single would be king. idk how long ‘dedicated’ cubing will last until I take a break lol.
Also cooked lots of nice food multiple meals/day. But not much lately; just breakfast.