Day 8: Moving
Writing this on Sunday since I forgot Saturday night again lol.
So started the morning a bit later than usual, got pretty good rest I guess. It was the usual (close to). Larbar. Run. Rolling/core. Shower. Protein shake. Almond butter toast with avocado. Fruits/yogurt.
The run was pretty easy. Felt good at the end (though a really minor nag on left quad, and lower right leg?).
Then I watched a bunch of Youtube stuff while packing a lot of my clothes and electronics and such.
Had lunch after; basically leftover pasta with 2 salmon fillets, finished up the arugula/spinach spring mix and had some black beans with it.
Then packed a bit more. My parents came; we got like 90% of my stuff then we left. I also had the last two fruit bottom greek yogurts cause I wanted to clear out the fridge.
Got home. Unpacked some stuff. Feels pretty good to be back. Had some pineapples and plain organic greek yogurt. Also had some of the crackers Ye. Also had one of the Kashi nut bars.
Did some strength work, using Gwen Jorgensen’s livestream today lol. It felt good. Kind of want to see the full (home) workouts for other runners and Ye to see my possibility of workouts in the future to increase strength (especially lower legs) to reduce injury and Ye. My left shin feels a tiny tiny bit Ye. Hopefully it will be fine for tomorrow. Next week is absolutely planned for reduced mileage, with legit speedwork (track and Ye) added in.
Had nice dinner. Loaded with some carbs (simple RIP, and complex) with pasta; had some mushrooms, Ikea meatballs, and the chicken/lemon stuff mom made. Also had nice veggies.
Had mandarins/orange/pears for fruits.
Watched the next CS341 lecture. Getting kind of confusing rip. Then watched some more Youtube and Ye, then bed.