Day 4: Some food
Started off before 6 today with a solid 12ish miles. Ate the usual Larabar beforehand. I notice that the bar has worked out pretty nice for me recently. Weather was pretty cool and Ye, but it was overall solid still.
Got back, did rolling and core stuff as usual. Then had the usual 2 almond butter jelly sandwich; but finally opened up the loaf of sprouted bread. It seemed like regular whole grain bread, but a bit thicker and not as super ‘flavory’. Overall my body digested it pretty well. Also had the usual protein Ye. Decided to have ‘dessert’ of fruit bottom Greek yogurt. Also had the usual orange.
Defrosted some berries and mangos, as well as salmon, then packed my lunch and headed off to school.
Pretty much slacked off almost entire morning when I should be working on BIOL365 lab 4.
Headed to SLC for lunch, when MC C&D gave out all their leftover food fresh out of the fridge. So destruction because none of them were too nutritionally nice. But I still got 2 butter chicken burritos. I wish I could’ve also gotten the sandwiches, sushi, curry rice, etc. But I gotta realize the lack of nutrition they provide lol.
Got to SLC, ate my packed lunch of quinoa/brown rice, broccoli, black beans, chicken breast. Also ate the two burritos because I felt like it. Definitely made me much morefuller relatively. Also video called Hari to talk about nice.
Went to QNC to study in the afternoon. Finally finished the lab 4 for bio. I kind of had to say random Ye for the last few stuff. I also started lab 5 for a bit. Then I headed off to Cobalion raid, but I didn’t catch it.
Headed back home. Salmon still a bit frosty, but my main meal prep for today is beyond ‘meatballs’ with red onion and mushroom (and broccoli). It turned out really nice. Preparing was nice since listening to nice podcasts.
Prepare/pack tomorrow’s lunch which was one chicken breast from yesterday, with elements from today’s dinner and black beans. I plan to cook the salmon tomorrow also lol.
Washed dishes, then went to room and slack off and watched a bit of Youtube. Then I took out the defrosted fruits and mixed in a bit of organic Greek yogurt. Then ate it and worked on like 1.5 questions on BIOL365 lab 5. Then washed dishes, rolled a bit (plan a nice smooth medium-long-long run tomorrow morning). Hopefully I get enough sleep! Ye.