Day 19: Bit More Busy
Writing this before lunch on Thursday cause too lazy last night. Woke up earlier than usual; like 5:30ish so I can get in a solid medium-long run. Had PB&J beforehand like usual.
Pretty solid run. Could’ve gone a bit faster of course, but overall a easy-ish effort given the distance of a bit over 13 miles. Left quad and stuff still Ye, but not super bothering and barely painful; just a bit nudgy :(.
Also starting to feel a bit Ye on right shin and stuff. Usually its left, but it’s only a tiny bit bothering, so hopefully it can recover quickly. Rolled and did usual cooldown stuff. Then showered and ate the usual oats, with some pineapples and strawberries. Really good stuff, as usual.
Then went downstairs and did the interview. Did not really want the job, but too much brain power used in interview. Guess I actually had to open docker on my own computer and share screen Github stuff which is also destruction, but good since I don’t really want job. But too much brainpower and stuff used. Then went upstairs and ate apricots I think? Also read a few chapters of nice book.
Then went out to deposit cheque from Nancy for house deposit Ye. Also did nice raid and Pokestop stuff on the way. Then got back for nice lunch. Finished lasagna leftovers with lots of nice veggies, some avocado and other Ye.
Slacked off a bit, had apples and pears for fruits, then watched more videos and slacking off stuff. Did like 45 minutes spin and some strength and rolling cooldown. Body still kinda Ye, especially after back to back decent effort days.
Then helped prepare dinner which was nice to learn new Ye, and destruction amount of Ye added into stuff, but overall still cool to be doing something. Standing long time was nice to not sit for long periods of time; feet got slightly tired and Ye. Had nice dinner; sprouted brown rice, stir fry veggies and nice organic ground pork, curry potatoes. A bit too much carbs so I had less brown rice than usual so I can have nice potatoes.
Slacked off after dinner as well with Ye. Had mandarin and oranges for fruit. Prepped oats for tomorrow; same as usual except added a bit more older flax seeds, and a bit more berries, since I am not sure if there’s nice to add for toppings tomorrow morning.
Did some random Ye and watched Youtube stuff.